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They say time heals but for zahra'u some scars are just too deep to be forgotten, as much as she's trying to put her past behind, there are days where by she find herself wondering how her life would have been if things don't turn out the way they are, she also wonder what the future have in store for her, sometimes she imagine a future with Bilal but then there are times where she wonder if the almighty have another plan for her.

"Bilal."she call gaining his attention from the where he's laying on the couch, ever since that night zahra'u try and be spending some quality time with Bilal in the night, she make sure she stay with him until he fall asleep,
It has become a regular something, the two are becoming very conversant and finding each other's company helpful.

For Bilal even do he manage to open up and tell zahra'u about his past, it's partly true and not even half the story, he just told her his mum is from Cameroon and he grew up there, he doesn't want to think about his past but anytime he sees zahra'u it's difficult not to think about the past especially that horrible night.

"Take."she say handing him the mug of tea, it's the first time in a while she's using a mug to serve him and that makes him smile because it means zahra'u believe he's not crazy, do there are few times she suggested therapy for him, Bilal decline because he knows and believe there's no amount of therapy that can mend his broken life especially with zahra'u now in it, no therapy or psychological attention can stop her from leaving if she gets to know truth.

"Bilal you need to start following your dad to the office, he really do need your help."zahra'u say sitting next to Bilal

She's been trying to convince Bilal mostly because alhaji amin seems desperate about Bilal coming with him, which zahra'u in her opinion now agreed with alhaji amin since his wives and children seems so desperate to want to be a part of Bilal life which she also try as much as she can not to give them even the slightest assess to him much to there disappointment.

"I will go tomorrow."Bilal say surprisingly to zahra'u who give him a curious look and he smile.

"I will go with him zahra'u if that will make you happy."he say and zahra'u smile widely,

For Bilal zahra'u happiness will always comes first, he want to do everything he can to make her happy so in the future if he tells her the bitter truth about himself she won't have too much hatred for him.

"Should i tell you something?"zahra'u say with a smile and Bilal stare at her.

He has never find any lady attractive, zahra'u is just too innocent and good for him, but he can't help, he love her and every day he find himself falling in love with her.

"You are....... zahra'u pause and stare at him, there's an impatient knock on the door that makes both zahra'u and Bilal to glance at the wall clock.

"2am "zahra'u mutter and stand up but Bilal quickly grab her hand.

"I will check it.'"he say standing up, he want to be a man, the type of man that will protect zahra'u and give her the life she deserve because no matter how hard she try to hide that pain there are days he sees it in her smile that she's hurting.

Zahra'u follow Bilal to the door as he unlock it and reveal Mika'il.

"Your dad has been rushed to the hospital."Mika'il say and Bilal Furrow his brow, he doesn't like his father but that doesn't mean he won't be remorseful for the old man.

"And?."Bilal say and zahra'u nudge him.

"We are coming with you."zahra'u say and drag Bilal with her back inside

"Don't be rude Bilal,
He's your dad."she scold and head to her bedroom leaving a confused Bilal in the parlour, she hop mama on her Back before exiting the bedroom.

"Let's go."she say and Bilal didn't object he trail behind zahra'u glancing at the little girl on her back.


"I look........I look different."Bilal grumble staring at his reflection in the mirror as zahra'u fix his neck tie with a smile.

"Different and cute."zahra'u say and Bilal release a heavy a breathe.

Alhaji untimely sickness comes with a complication and alhaji amin will have to be on bedrest for as long as he need to be alive, it takes days for zahra'u to convince Bilal for him to take over his father's empty position in the office, alhaji amin has make the necessary arrangements for Bilal, he make sure Mika'il and few of his trusted staffs brief Bilal about the office for weeks and guide him through, it's not something Bilal is excited about but he is left with no choice especially with how persistent zahra'u has been,
What intrigue and make him want to even start working in his dad company is for the fact that alhaji amin told him zahra'u is his wife,
It's the best news he's heard in a while.

"Now you look perfect,
Like the most serious CEO."zahra'u say staring at Bilal with a smile,
She makes it her priority to make sure Bilal look as healthy and presentable as she can, with his now trim low cut hair, his scruffy beard now neatly cut leaving a few stubble he look perfectly handsome for a CEO.

"What time will i come back?"he ask and zahra'u chuckle.

"You haven't gone to the office yet,
You will work for as long as you can,
Make sure you do all the rightful things and always listen to Mika'il,
You know this is your first day, you will need time to study and understand everyone in the office."zahra'u say and nod.

"But i will follow Mika'il to pick mama from school."he say and zahra'u shake her head with a smile.

"You don't have to do that Bilal,
Just concentrate on your work."zahra'u say staring at Bilal.

She's so happy, she couldn't ask for a better life, ever since alhaji amin announced to everyone She's Bilal wife she find herself happy, she could see the slight changes in Bilal behavior, he seem more relax around her and he comfortably speak to her without doubting, she was surprised when Bilal told her he was a school dropout the fact that he's exceptionally smart makes her curious to why he left school, sure he told her about his past but zahra'u believe there's more to the story he's telling her.

"I will be back soon."Bilal say snapping zahra'u out of her daydream.

Zahra'u grab her veil and help Bilal with the brown office bag Mika'il bought few of them for him.

'i will walk you to the car."she say as they walk to the door.

"I still can't believe you are my wife."Bilal say smiling glancing at zahra'u and she nod.

As they approach the car garage she spot Mika'il speaking with one of alhaji daughter but what intrigue her is the girl immediately head back inside.

"Why did she run?"Bilal ask confuse and zahra'u sssshh him.

"Be careful and don't eat anything,
I will bring food for you later."zahra'u say and Bilal nod.

She greet Mika'il and didn't make much eye contact with him because now she's just too curious and she find herself been cautious around him.

"Can i hug you?"Bilal ask and zahra'u nod.

He slightly hug her it feel weird and comforting for both of them.

"I will bring your lunch."zahra'u say and glance at Mika'il, she wait until Bilal enter the car before she head back inside the house.

She head to Bilal bedroom but stop by the door next to his bedroom, she's curious, she really want to know what is inside the room, there are days where Bilal still enter the room and locked himself and she wonder what he's hiding in there, she grab the door handle and creak it but it's lock making her to Furrow her brow.

She shake her head and decide to concentrate on her daily morning chores as her mind wander back to Mika'il this morning, for some reason she feel the trust she has for him slipping away.

Hey lovelies I'm sorry for the long wait but I'm back again, drop your comments please.

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