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2days after Mama is discharged from the hospital her wedding date with bashir is fixed it's not a decision hashim is happy about but was left with no choice than to do as mama want, he's also been seeing amrah and he will love it if the wedding hold same day with mama because that will be less stressfull for him tho he haven't yet tell his wife about which he's surely not looking forward to.

"Where are you going to?"hashim ask looking up from the television screen to mama as he glance at the wall clock.

I will just go to the nearby supermarket to get something."she lie and hashim glance at the time once again.

"Be back before 9pm."he say and mama nod before quietly leaving the parlour.

Sitted in the car as he look around the quiet suburban area bashir wonder why mama called him this late at night, the temptation surrounding there relationship is overwhelming for him, he just doesn't want to do anything that will lead to problem so he try not to visit regularly, there wedding is just 2months from now,
He spot mama walking hysterically to the car and quickly come out of the car.

"You come."mama say smiling and he nod.

"Ofcrse i will come mama,
What happened?
Is everything alright, I was worried."bashir say opening the car door for her as she slip in.

I just want to see you,
It's been a while since we met."she say Truthfully and bashir nod closing the car door.

As for mama she's still insecure about herself , even tho bashir knows her health status and is ok with marrying her she still find it difficult to believe,
She's scared that bashir might change his mind before the wedding.

"I will be traveling tomorrow."bashir say and mama release a heavy breathe with a nod.

There's this thing inside her that's telling her to do what she's about doing regardless knowing it's wrong, she's scared and at thesame time worried, she grab bashir hand in his and stare at him for a while.

"Will you ever leave me?"she ask and bashir give her a confuse look.

"Why will i do that Maryam?
I care about you,
I will do anything for you and to be with you, you have no idea how much I love you."bashir say truthfully and mama stare at him, the palpitating of her rapidly beating heart is highly alarming her that whatever she's about doing is wrong but she ignore that, she lean forward and kiss bashir on the lips, it almost caught him off guard so he politely push her from his body.

Let's not do something we will end up both regretting,
I love you ok, and that will not change, it's just two months from our marriage now a..........

"I know,
I know it's just two months to our wedding but what difference will it make we are getting married right,"mama say and bashir stare at her for a while before averting his gaze from hers.

As for mama, somewhere in the brick of her mind that devil have instigate this thought in her that the only way to keep bashir to herself is by making him get intimate with her, as forbidden as that sound and she knows she doesn't care, the thing desperation leads to .

"Make love to me."mama say and the sentence caught bashir off guard, he stare at mama as she begin to unbutton the black abaya she's wearing and he turn his gaze away from her.

"Mama please,
You know this is wrong and it's like betraying your uncle trust,
Just......Mama grab his hand and make him touch around her body, bashir might not be looking but he can feel, he's a man and this is something out of his control.

As bad as he want to say no, he couldn't that night as the first raindrop hit the windshield of bashir car they did what they had to, but as the saying goes, a forbidden relationship comes with consequences, never did mama knows that this single mistake will be the beginning of her misery.


6weeks after what transpired between she and bashir, mama find herself alot more happier, do bashir told her he wasn't happy about what they did and make sure he always visit her at home to avoid temptation, as for mama she just wanted to be sure bashir will not avoid her, two weeks to the wedding mama is I'm her bedroom going through the list of things she hasn't yet buy when someone knock on her bedroom door.

"Come in."she say and look up from the book suprise to see her uncle.

"Uncle."mama say dropping the book on the bed and grab her veil from the bed closing her hair.

Hashim sit on the couch in the bedroom, he stare at mama for a while and sigh wondering how she will react to what he's about telling her.

"Maryam."hashim call and mama nod.

"Yes uncle."she say staring at the bed, her heart beat instantly picking up wondering if her uncle find out about her little dirty secret.

"You know what they say, every person in this world walk in his own path of fate, there's not a thing that will happened to us that is not written in our fate, but at the end God is the best planner sometimes the things we desperately want and think is best for us aren't always meant to be, mama have you called bashir today?"hashim ask and mama nod.

"Yeah we spoke earlier he's going to Zaria for a meeting."mama say as she feel her heartbeat palpitating.

"Bashir had and accident,
He died this afternoon."hashim say and Maryam looks up abruptly.

"Death?"she ask herself as she stare at hashim confused, how can it be her Bashir, he told her he was coming to see her today once he comes back to town, it's two weeks to there wedding, how can this happen to him?
How can this happen to her?
Why is happiness impossible in her own world, the pain is unbearable for her to endure and she passed out on the spot.


Re reading the test result sadiq sigh and look at hashim who's sitting in his office his mind far away.

"Hashim."sadiq call with a sigh dropping the paper in the desk and glance at the test result forwarded to him by the lab.

"Uhmmmmm."hashim say turning his gaze to sadiq with a heavy breathe.

"Mama is pregnant."sadiq say with a sigh and hashim Furrow his brow.

"Mama is pregnant?
Pregnant for who?
Are you sure is her result or there's not mixed up somewhere?"hashim ask and sadiq shake his head.

"I have to rerun this test three times since yesterday, I even took the sample myself and do it,
Was she and bashir intimate?"sadiq ask and hashim shake his head.

Mama can never di something like that, no, it's not her."hashim say in disbeliev and sadiq sigh.

Mama is about 6weeks pregnant,
Sometimes children make the wrong decision, you will have to sit her down and talk to her, calmly."sadiq say and hashim shake his head with a facepalm.

"I cannot believe this is happening."hashim say with a sigh and stand up.

"How's she feeling now?"he ask and sadiq nod.

She's just in shock which is understandable but she will come around gradually,
Don't speak to her about this now her bp is low let her be stable,
Or better if she's back home."sadiq say and hashim nod before leaving the office wondering and finding it hard to let this sensitive information sink into his head.

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