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"How are you feeling now?"sadiq wife ask worriedly and mama nod throwing the saliva into the empty container next to her bed.

"You will have to stand up,
Today is your first doctor appointment and hashim has been calling me to remind me since yesterday.
Ki daure ki tashi"Amina say but mama sigh.

If this is how pregnancy is then she's sure she's never going to have any kids, only she can explain the discomfort she's going through, it's been 3weeks since her uncle left, he call her every single day at least 6-7 times sometimes even more.

"I can't,
Let's leave it tomorrow."mama say and amina shake her head.

"Stand up,
Mama you are been sluggish right now."amina say and lift her up making mama to sigh.

"Hurry up,
Sadiq say the doctor has arrive and is waiting for us."she say and open the bedroom curtain as mama stand up making amina to chuckle.

She gently walk to the bathroom and slam the door shut with a tiring sigh and begin removing her clothes.
She do be lieing to herself if she say she didn't regret doing whatsoever she did with bashir, she hate that she stood so low and make desperation push her to do something like this, now she just feel as do she betrayed her late mum, she knows her mum story hashim told her every details of it and she knows if her mum is alive today she would not be proud of her by taking the path she did,
Mama spend almost about an hour in the bathroom.
By the time she finish dressing up and they leave for the hospital it's almost afternoon and Amina keeps nagging about mama's sluggishness.

"How are you feeling?"the unfamiliar doctor ask mama and she nod giving him a bored look, she knows all the staffs in the hospital so she knows he's new here.

Just very tired, extremely nauseous and don't have any appetite."mama say and the doctor stare at her for a while, he do some examination and sit back on his chair with a sigh.

You need to eat healthy,
You know very well your health condition yo........

"You don't have to remind me that have AIDs."mama say upset, for some reason she find the doctor annoying and he sigh.

"That's not what i mean maryam,
I just want you to know if you didn't take care of yourself your baby will also be at risk, I'm sorry if my statement upset you."he say and mama hiss before standing up from the chair.

"Is that all?"she ask grabbing the prescription paper and he nod with a weak smile.

"Yes ma'am."he say and mama leave the office muttering to herself as she head to sadiq office to meet his wife so they can leave.

"Mama."the familiar voice call and she turn abruptly suprise to see Hashim.

"Uncle hashim."she say with soo much excitement and he slightlygh hug her.

"How are you?
Are you eating at all?
You loss alot of weight."hashim say staring carefully at mama.

She loss alot of weight, the eyebag around her face doesn't help, he sigh and Avery his gaze from her.

"When did you got back?"mama ask and hashim smile as they begin walking to sadiq office.

"I'm just coming straight from the airport, I wanted to be there for you, it's your first appointment."he say and she nod handing him the ultrasound as he stare with a smile on his face.

"When is your next appointment?"hashim ask collecting the few things she's holding.

"4weeks time,
When are you going back?"mama ask and hashim sigh with a facepalm.

"I don't know yet,
I'm thinking of getting a transfer or start something here,
You are pregnant mama i can't go and stay for so long leaving you all by your self."hashim say Making mama to smile, as his phone start ringing, he excuse himself and step aside making her to sigh as she stare at him.

Patsy (the victim)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora