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For 12days mama has been in the police custody, they have denied anyone to visit her so she doesn't have a single idea of what is going on,
She don't know wether hashim or murja is still alive, the fact that the police keep beating her to confess doesn't help her curiosity, no matter how hard she try to explain to them that everything was an accident they refused to listen, every single day pass in agony, a single meal of a smelly bread with a watery tea like is what she eats everyday, she have cry and cry to the point her tears are dry, there are about 6 of them in the cell, since she was brought in, she hasn't say a word to anyone, she never for once imagine herself in this kind of situation, indeed she will always and forever be a victim.

"Maryam Bilal."one of the female officers call and mama quickly stand up from the angle she is sitting.

"Come out,
Some one is here to see you."the very mean police officer say as she open the rusty metallic door , sending a mean deadly glare to mama making her to stare at the floor.

"Spoilt rich kids, you think you can get away with everything, people like you are the one that spoil the system."the officer grumble as mama come out of the smelly cell she do hate to spend another night in it, she wonder if it's sadiq, she still find it hard to believe that neither him nor aunty amina or anyone come to check on her.

"This way."the female officer say as mama try to cover her body, she was wearing a short sleeve gown the day the incident happened with her hijab, when they arrived at the station she was ask to remove everything and was left with only the short sleeve gown that allowed the mosquitoes in the cell to use her as a bait.

"Maryam."the familiar voice say and she quickly look up, she hug him because it's the only reasonable thing she need at the moment, she breakdown as she feel his hand soothing her back.

"You have 15minutes."the female officer say making mama to break the hug with a sniff, as bad as she needed someone to comfort her, she also need someone to listen to her, even do he is least of the people she expect to come see her, she always know Imran genuinely love her and he is a good listener.

Sit."he say staring worriedly at her as she sit with a sigh.

For Imran he came as soon as the news reached to him, he left the country same day mama got married mostly because he couldn't bare the pain of Lossing her to someone else, he was so buried with work trying to forget anything that will remind him of her that he went as far as the small island of Malta, sadiq was the one that reach out to him he said he's been trying to reach to him for the past 10days and unfortunately he couldn't, seeing mama right now just make him realises how much of a fool he was to even sacrifice his love for her just to make her happy.

"I didn't do it i swear to God."Maryam say and Imran release a heavy breathe as he glance at the brutal mosquitoes bites all around her hands and the white burns patches on her face.

"I know you didn't do it mama,
I'm sorry i left,
I came as soon as i got the news,
This is my friend Ibrahim, he's a lawyer he will help you out."Imran say trying his best not to breakdown, the awful situation he find mama makes him upset and if only for the fact that hashim is no more he wouldn't mind blaming him for the situation mama is in now.

"I don't want to go back in there,
I haven't taken my medication in 12days, they fed me a single meal Imran, beating me every day to confess to a crime i didn't committed, please don't let them take me back there."mama say grabbing Imran hand and Imran feel he's had enough, the emotions is just to much and he let the tears leave his eyes.

"Maryam.'he call flicking his tears and clean her face with a weak smile,
I want you to tell ibrahim everything that happened,
right."Imran say and mama nod with a sniff.

She narrate everything to them and by the time she's done the female officer appear with the scold on her face.

"Sir your time is up."she say arrogantly and Imran sigh, he remove the few dollar note from his pocket and hand it to her not suprise that she collect and leave saying she add 30mimutes for them.

Do you think everything will be ok?"Imran ask and ibrahim nod.

"How's uncle Hashim doing?"mama ask and Imran release a heavy breathe.

"Mama your uncle passed away, he sustained a very severe head trauma,
Your aunt is still in coma which make it difficult to build a case."ibrahim explain and mama sigh, she is tired of crying, somehow she knows this will happen, her uncle doesn't deserve this neither murja, she is the Genesis of everything and she feel as do whatever her fate lays in the court she won't object because she deserve any punishment.

"Can she get a bail?"Imran ask and ibrahim release a heavy breathe.

"I will try by tomorrow,
Murja's dad is a very influential man, will come out on bail by tomorrow insha Allah before we see how the trial will go."ibrahim say and mama sigh.

"I'm sorry Maryam,
I also don't think i can sleep knowing you are inside this horrible place,
I will bring dinner for you and blankets or something,
Sorry."Imran say worriedly and mama smile weakly at him.

"Thank you Imran for been with me regardless whatsoever."she say and Imran smile weakly at her but didn't comment.

They talked for a while and Imran explain to her that the reason sadiq didn't come was because murja's dad is the brother to the IGP and he refused to allow anyone to see you and the only reason they even let him in is because his dad make some calls and ibrahim uncle is the deputy governor, they talked for a while until the female officer comes and take mama back to her cell, it's the most painful sight for Imran and for mama she knows regardless whatever Imran will always protect her.

3weeks later

3weeks after Imran came to her rescue tomorrow is going to be the first hearing of there case, for mama she's worried, scared and nervous, murja was also removed from life support a week ago, there's no much to the case according to ibrahim but mama knows otherwise since murja's family are already saying she murder there daughter and husband, there are alot of speculation on the internet, while others believes She's responsible, there are few that believe her story, ibrahim told her there will be probably two sitting and the judge will present his verdict since the case is all based on a circumstantial evidence, regardless how optimistic ibrahim is trying to be with her Maryam is still insecure about everything.

"Mama."Aunty amina call gaining her Attention and she release a heavy breathe, she's been staying with sadiq since Imran bailed her, he also comes everyday to check on her indeed Imran is a blessing to her she wonder how she was blinded by love to see all that.

"Imran is here to see you."Aunty amina say and mama nod, amina glance at the untouched lunch by the bed and sigh.

"Maryam you have to eat,
You haven't eat anything since yesterday dinner."amina say worriedly and mama sigh, she doesn't even know why God chooses to bless her amidst all this chaos, she's pregnant with hashim baby, the thought of going to jail with pregnancy scared her.

"Aunty amina."mama call and amina give her a worried look.
"Do you think i will be found guilty?"mama ask and amina sigh.

"Insha Allah no
Don't think like that Maryam,
I know you've been through alot but have faith in Allah, insha Allah "komai zai wuche, komai yayi farko zaiyi karshe, just take all this as part of your fate."amina say and mama nod with a sniff flicking her tears with a sigh.

"Be patience."aunty amina say slightly pathing her back and stand up, she wait until she leave the bedroom before she release a tiring breathe.

2days ago Imran have asked her if she's ok with them starting afresh but she's scared and afraid of commitment, it seems anytime someone try to be with her somehow fate comes into the way to shattered all that happiness, replacing beautiful memories with painful grief, she doesn't want Imran to suffered thesame fate as bashir and hashim, so if rejecting his proposal and letting him go is the only way for him to be safe so be it.

We are gradually coming to an end,

Like i said earlier no be everything go get happy ending, life is a mixture of pain, pain and pain, some people aren't so bless and lucky to accomplish the happily ever after of life.

Patsy (the victim)Where stories live. Discover now