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Scared is exactly what Hashim has been since yesterday night, he was so scared of the consequences of his actions that he refused to go home and decide to sleep in a hotel in town, he never realises that this will come with alot of emotions and consequences, now clad in the blue kaftan, he sigh and glance at the wall clock showing 9am, he want to go home and face whatever havoc awaits him, he has to turn off his phone yesterday with how murja keeps calling and bombarding his phone with traumatizing mean messages.

For mama she do be lieing to herself if she say she's not hungry, yesterday she barely have time to eat, even when aunty amina and her friends left she changed to her nightwear because she was sure hashim won't show up, especially with how enraged aunty murja was, the thought of walking out of the bedroom and have to see murja scared her, the look she gave her yesterday the distaste from he eyes makes her wonder why hashim chooses to put her in such situation.

With a heavy sigh mama decide to find something to eat, she need to take her medication and it ricks out with an empty stomach.

"Go..good morning aunty m........
She doesn't get to finish the murderous glare murja throw at her makes her keep quiet, she nervously fidget with her fingers and release a heavy breathe.

"Aunty murja wlh by Allah i don't know about this, I swear to....

"Did i look like a fool to you?
Or did i look like someone that hasn't sit in the four wall of a classroom,
You married him right?
Now let's see wether you will find peace , I trusted you and you did the........

"Aunty murja wlh i don't know about this, I'm sorry,

"Then ask him to divorce you if you want me to truly believe you don't have anything to do with this,
Stay away from my husband Maryam,
How stupid of me to have trusted you."she say and mama feel really hurt, this isn't how she want her relationship with her aunt to be,
She feel so guilty of all the things going on and if she can she will reverse time and rather be with Imran than to be in this situation.

"I'm sorry."is the only word mama could find and murja snort.

"Sorry won't change anything,
It's either we stay as rival or you ask him to divorce you, if not because of wickedness how can you even do such thing, you want to give my husband HIV so he will infect me with it.
You are the most inhuman person i ever come across, mayya kawaii." Murja say upset as the front door open and she hiss.

For murja the only thing she could think of is how to kill mama, she rather spend her life in prison than share a husband with a HIV AIDS victim, she need a permanent solution to get rid of mama but what solution.
She feel so betrayed and stupid at thesame time, she glance at mama and the hot vegetable oil in the frying pan and all she could think of is throwing the hot liquid on her, she release a heavy calming breathe as the familiar figure enter the kitchen.

"Sannu da zuwa bakin munafiki!
I have been waiting for you,
So y.....

"Murja, please let's all be civil here, we are all adults."hashim say as he glance at mama who's standing by the stove with her gaze rooted on the floor.

What you did was wrong, morally and Islamically, thus pure hypocrisy,
And the almighty won't forgive you,
I'm pregnant with your baby hashim and all you've been thinking about is how to have another woman to yourself."murja say and glance at mama once again she glance at the frying pan, the temptation and anger in her multiplying.

"Murja I'm sorry,
Mama herself doesn't know any of this, had it been i ask you before this you would object, I'm sorry that you find out this way,
I'm also sorry to mama for not informing her and letting her making the rightful decision for herself,
Murja you two are my wives now,

Me murja maccido can never share a husband with anyone especially this pathetic thing standing right on front of me, what is so special about her?
What did she have that i don't Hashim?"murja yell in frustration and grab the frying pan, throwing the hot liquid directly on mama's face, making a frightening scream to come out from her mouth and hashim quickly grab her by the hand so she won't fall and murja quickly run out of the kitchen.

"Maryam."hashim call with a trembling hand as he look at the glittering oil on her face.

The pain was soo much intense that crying alone will not do, all mama could do is feel how painful the skin on her face is going through.

Hashim drag her from the oily kitchen and quickly lift her up before rushing out of the kitchen clicking the car open as he glance at mama's face, he cannot believe murja will do something like this.

For murja she has never been scared, it's the first time she find herself in a regretful situation, it wasn't her, it was a reflex something, she's soo scared of the consequences of her action, it wasn't her intention to hurt mama regardless whatsoever but it just hurt and all she could think about at the moment is doing what she did, the excruciating pain in her abdomen make her scream as she feel a heavy reddish liquid erupting down he legs,

"No, please,
Ya Allah."she say breaking down and quickly grab her phone as she kneel by the bathroom door crying, if she miscarried the pregnancy she will never forgive mama and hashim because had it been all this didn't happen, none of this will happen to her, she dial her sister contact to let her know the situation of things aa she breakdown crying out of frustration and regret.


"How's my wife doing?"hashim ask one of the doctors that come out of the ER , he couldn't drive to sadiq hospital especially with mama whining in pain, he stop by the estate hospital and mama was rush to the Emergency unit.

"She's still in the theater."the doctor reply and Hashim facepalm tiredly as he glance at his wrist watch it's been an hour, he remove his ringing phone from the pocket and his once again, he doesn't know why murja's mum has been calling him, there's no amy excuse or reason For murja to do what she did, he himself also feel responsible for everything,
he know murja will be upset but he honestly cannot believe she will maliciously do something like this.

"Mr Hashim."one of the doctor call and hashim quickly saunter to the elderly looking man.

"Your wife sustain a very serious second degree burns, we've tried our best, she will be ok before you know it with alot of treatment."the doctor say and hashim nod.

"Can i see her?"he ask and the doctor shrug.

"The nurses will direct you to her room once she's been transfer there."the doctor say and hashim nod.

"Thank you doctor."hashim say removing his ringing phone, no suprise to see murja name, he hiss and a message pop making him to quickly click on it.

"Because of you and this girl, I lost my baby Hashim, is this the type of happiness you want by marrying this girl?"

Hashim release a heavy breathe, he does know wether or not to blame murja for everything, mama did nothing to be a victim of this horrible incident, neither murja, it's all his fault, he should have man up and tell murja before everything, but nevertheless the damage has been done and he hope, he will find peace between his now two wives.

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