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Time, they say it wait for no one, and everything that has a beginning have an end, staying inside the four walls of the correctional center for 3years makes mama realises it doesn't matter where you are, if you believe in yourself and learn to accept your indifference you will succeed, happiness is a choice and no matter what challenges life throws at you that shouldn't stops you from been happy, Today exactly 42months after she's been convicted of a crime she knows she never committed she's finally a free lady, the last 3years, 6 months was a sour,sweet and bitter ones, she makes friends and even people she do called as family, with the smile plaster on her face Maryam hug each of the inmates as she cry all at once wishing them best of luck and to keep an open minded heart as they wait for there own day of release.

"Are you excited?"Imran ask the little boy as they wait patiently by the correctional facility with the little girl in his hand.

For the past three years he's been there for mama,he makes sure her absence doesn't affect her kids by bringing them 3times each week to see her, he love mama, he's Happy with how positive minded she is within the years, despite been in prison it never stops her from going after her dreams, even to the extend of starting her own television series the victims show" it holds every Saturday where a HIV AIDS or any victim of a situation he feel really betrayed comes out and tell there story, proud isn't enough word to describe how he is.

"Is mummy staying with us?"the little boy ask and Imran nod.

"Yes Bilal,
do me a favor and stop picking those stones."Imran say and the little boy give him a toothy grin as mama come out of the small gate, the two boys run to her and Imran just stand staring at her from the car, the burn scar on her faces doesn't still makes him see how beautiful she is,

"Where's uncle sadiq?"mama ask as she walk to the car and Imran shrug.

"At home arranging for your big welcome party."he say opening the car for her and she smile.

From that day it's a new beginning for mama, even do deep beneath her she knows what awaits her relationship with Imran but she's scared, scared that if she agreed to be his forever fate might tear them apart like it Always do, but with pressure and talk from everyone she agreed and 2days after her release from the prison her wedding date with Imran is fixed, for Imran it's the best thing that ever happened to him, he waited for years for that to happen and he's confident he will find that peaceful happily ever after is with mama.

Mama's pov

A man like Imran i think there are only few of them remaining on this earth, I don't know how to thank him and i don't think there's enough word to describe how much i love him,
Even do i have been anticipating for this day I'm also scared, there's just this tension inside me that keeps making me jittery that this wedding might not hold, if anything happen to Imran today i don't think i can endure that, I told him i don't want a big wedding so there's just dinner at this beautiful event center after the nikah,
It's been an hour since the nikah, Imran called me and assure me he's fine because he knows how worried I have been since morning, I'm officially Mrs Imran but that doesn't quench my fear I'm just so nervous.

"Maryam."aunty amina call entering the bedroom and instantly stand up abruptly.

"Is everything ok with Imran?"I ask and she give me a confuse look.

"The make up artist has been waiting for you since, hurry up, I just spoke with sadiq he's with Imran getting ready for the dinner."aunty amina say and i release a heavy satisfying breathe and dial Imran contact but it didn't go, I push all the negative thoughts and exit the bedroom to meet with the make up artist to get ready for my big day.

"Mummy how do i look?"my daughter ask and i smile.

"Beautiful like my mummy,
Come on go meet aunty Amina to help you out, mummy wants to get ready."I say as i sit on the chair for the make-up artist to start her magic.

Halfway through the make-up, I find myself sweating unnecessary and my heart jittery for no reason, I excuse myself to go get my phone from the bedroom where i left it but stop midway eavesdropping on the conversation between aunty amina and her friend by the dinning table.

"Yanzu idan mama taji wanan maganan bansan ya zatayi ba,
Honestly just let her............

"What happened to Imran?
What is going on aunty amina,
Please don't hide anything from me,
Did Imran die?"I ask my hands fidgeting and trembling all at once,
I knew this would happen to him.

"Maryam, calm down."aunty Amina say grabbing me by the hand but i just keep on screaming and talking in gibberish, all the painful memories i have worked so hard to burry all thus years come flashing back into my head,from bashir untimely death, to my miscarriage, to uncle hashim and aunty murja's death, they all come back hitting me real hard like a giant truck on the head making my heartbeat to pick up instantly, the voices around me drifting away and my vision replace with a calming ray of light, and the last thing that come to my mind is my three children before everything goes silent.

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