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Even when the doctors told Aliyah family bashir memory lost is permanent Aliyah have always doubted it because there are times bashir mistakenly called her zahra'u, even after there marriage he could have numerous nightmare mostly him talking in his sleep Calling zahra'u name, it's something Aliyah have been dealing with and she never anticipate seeing zahra'u ever in her life, that day at the hospital it's the start of her misery because Bashir keeps ask her who zahra'u is and that she looks familiar, it's clear he's trying really hard to remember.

Staring at bashir on the hospital bed Aliyah keeps praying that it's not her worst fear coming to life, bashir has never passed out since his accident but then two days ago he passed out in the supermarket and his last words happens to be zahra'u, she massage her forehead and come out of the hospital room.

"Aliyah."sadiq call walking towards her.

"I'm tired,"she say with a heavy sigh and sadiq nod.

"You should rest,
Uhmmmmm... zahra'u wants yo speak to you."sadiq say and Aliya face turn into an angry scold.

"Why did you tell her I'm here in the first place, please sadiq i don't want anything to do with zahra'u, I've dealt with enough of her problems, she's like a jinx whenever she show up there is problem."Aliyah grumble and sadiq sigh.

"Zahra'u is married Aliyah,
And you married bashir you two are world apart, she's Happy with...........

"You don't know a thing about that girl, I don't care it's never going to be the same if ya bashir wakes up with a memory of that girl."Aliya say and sadiq shake his head.

"That's exactly why you need to clarify things up with zahra'u, that girl has been through alot, haba Aliyah, I thought you two used to be good friends."sadiq say and Aliyah shake her head.

"Used to,
Until she decide to abandoned that friendship and leave with ya Bashir, you don't know that girl she just like acting like the victim all the time."Aliya say upset.

"That's because she's a victim,
Do you know what it means to be raped, come on Aliyah have some sympathy in you, you are a........the excessive beeping of the heart monitor gain there attention and they both saunter inside the hospital room.


"You will be fine,
I'm sure she also want to see you."Bilal say to zahra'u who's fidgeting on her fingers in sadiq office.

She couldn't hide the incident that happened two days ago from Bilal,
She doesn't want there relationship to go back sour, Bilal is putting extra effort in the relationship that sometimes she feel really guilty for still having feelings for Bashir,
She told him she will like to speak to Aliyah so they can settle there differences but the truth is that she want to see Bashir, she want to make sure he's fine, it's so selfish of her but she couldn't help.

"Won't you go back to office?"zahra'u ask and Bilal shake his head.

"You are important than work zahra'u, I have called baba to pick up mama "he say and zahra'u nod as the office door open.

"Is everything OK?"zahra'u ask and sadiq nod with a heavy breathe.

"Bashir is awake and......he pause and glance at Bilal.
"You are his first word."sadiq say with a sigh and zahra'u feel her heart ache, the need to run out of the office and go see him is what is instigating into her head.

"Zahra'u."sadiq call as he sit on his chair behind the desk,
Bilal."I honestly don't know what to tell you two but we all know there are things that happened in our life that we just don't have explanation for it it's call fate, I know bashir really do love you and that you also deeply care about him but........
At this point i think you will have to let go,
Aliya is married to bashir they are expecting a baby, I know bashir is not one to let go easily especially with the circumstances of how you two part away, but can you please try to let him understand things in the right perspective, not only for me but for his unborn child, for mama and for Bilal...... he's a good husband regardless."sadiq say with a glance at Bilal and zahra'u breakdown.

Sadiq is right but then how can she do that, is she even having that much courage inside of her, Bilal grab her by the hand and sigh.

"Zahra'u I'm not going to ask you to be with me if you don't want to, but I don't mind you doing and sorting this in your own, I love you and I know you don't deserve me but it's unfortunate that fate brings us together, it hurt me that you have to go through all this emotions because of me."Bilal say and zahra'u shake her head wiping her tears.

"It's fine,
I'm fine,
I will be fine."she say more like convincing herself as she shake her head.

"Can i see him now."she say and sadiq release a deep breathe.

"Yes, if you are OK with that."he say and zahra'u nod.

Bilal decide to wait in the office the last thing he want is to see zahra'u with that man, as bad as he knows he doesn't have any right to meddle in zahra'u and bashir relationship but he's jealous, he wish zahra'u will have even half the feelings she have for Bashir for him, it's a bitter pill to swallow and he will just have to deal with it because he knows there's no comparison between a tainted soul and untainted, Bilal is the perfect man for zahra'u, he's pure and innocent just as she is meanwhile God decide to seperate them and gave her someone very horrible like him.


I'm not letting her see my husband,
Leave."Aliyah say standing in front of the hospital room and zahra'u sigh.

"Aliya I'm not here to take bashir away from.......

"Then why are a you here?
You are married zahra'u leave my husband alone,
Sadiq let her leave before i will do something we will both regret."Aliyah say as she glance at the door, bashir ask her leave that he needed sometime alone, she's glad she leave because zahra'u would have barge into the room and it will just complicate things the more, bashir first word was zahra'u and Aliyah knows this isn't going to end very well.

"Aliyah."zahra'u call releasing a heavy breathe.
"I promise you i just want to see Bashir for the last time, I just want to clear things up with him, I want to let him know I'm married and........
That we can never be together."zahra'u say and Aliya stare at her for a while.

"2minutes."Aliya say and open the door for zahra'u.

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