The End

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Kneeling by the hospital bed with his hand inside of hers, he's been in that position for the past 3hours since they told him she was rush to the hospital, terrified is the only word that can describe how he is, he glance at her face for a while the white burns patches that gave her a vitiligo like patches only add up to her beauty in his eyes.

"Imran you have been kneeling here for 3hours, you should sit or find somewhere to lay down, mama isn't going anywhere."sadiq say and Imran sigh releasing a heavy exhausting breathe.

"What.......he doesn't get to even start his sentence when the heart monitor start beeping making him to glance at mama.

"Maryam."he call staring worriedly at her as he glance at sadiq.

For mama, she do Always have it in mind that something terrible will happened to Imran, nobody have to tell her for her to know aunty amina where trying to hide for her,

"Maryam."the familiar voice ring in her ear but she refused to open her eyes, she knows it's a mere imagination of hers, if she can now she will ask the almighty to take her life without a care of leaving her children in this deceiving world if endless pain.

I cannot believe you want to leave me after waiting for this long,
Do you know how scared i am?
If you don't open your eye............

Mama feel she's had enough if this figment if hallucinating voice didn't stop she will go nut, she open her eyes and then she sees him.

"Imran."she call and he smile with a chuckle.

"You want to die and leave me on our wedding day again."he say with a smile removing the strand of hair falling on her face as she uses her hand to touch his face as if trying to confirm something.

"You are alive?"she ask and Imran chuckle grabbing her two hands.

Aunty amina where just discussing about the suprise at the dinner,
You where just burried with negative thoughts."he say and mama releases a heavy breathe before glancing at sadiq.

"I was scared, something might happen to you,
Imran if you le.......

"Mama I'm here for you,
Now and forever,
I love you,
You don't have to be afraid of anything, whatever happened in the past is already predestine but that shouldn't be a reason for you to have it in mind that it will keep repeating itself," kinji*imran say and mama nod with a sniff flicking her tears and smiling at same time.

Imran sit on edge of the hospital bed as mama stare at him, it felt so good to be real, she's married to the most supporting and caring husband and she's blessed with 3 adorable kids.

"I love you."she say and Imran gasp.

"You do?
Can you say that again please?he say smiling and mama chuckle.

It's the first time she's saying that word to someone, the last time she said it was years ago to Bashir, it still feel like yesterday but it's a long time ago.

"You two are unbelievable."sadiq say and leave the hospital room with a smile.

The two continue talking mostly Imran doing the talking telling mama about the kids and how they be been waiting for her before he ask the driver to take them back home as he wait for her to gain consciousness.

Few years later

"What are you doing?"Imran ask climbing the bed where his wife have her phone to her screen, she look really concentrated.

"Just going through this wattpad of a application of a thing, came across this book Patsy(the victim), quiet interesting but the author keeps murdering every single person in the book, I'm Lossing interest it's a bit upsetting, I don't think someone will be this unlucky in life, to the point of them Lossing everyone in there life."mama say and Imran nod sitting next to his wife as she uses his lap as a pillow.

"You also lost everyone in your life,
But that doesn't stop you from been happy, pretty sure that written is just trying to fit reality into fiction, some people's journey to a better happy life can be hectic and tiring but if one doesn't give up there comes a time where everything will be a past."Imran say and mama humm in response, the two stay quiet for a while .

"Why don't you like talking about your past?"mama ask breaking the silence.

"It's called a past for a reason mama,
Speaking about it won't change anything neither will it bring any difference in your life,
What matters is I'm happy now, and I have the most beautiful woman in the world laying right next to me as my wife."Imran say with a smile and mam shake her head muttering weirdo.

"But the past is a part of us Imran we can't run away and bury it forever."mama say sitting upright and Imran shake his head.

"Why don't we just enjoy the present moment and think of the beautiful future rather than bringing up an old story that will bring nothing but a bitter memory of pain and regrets."Imran ask with a smile staring at mama, the Brownish burn scar still prominent on her face but that doesn't really bother him or stop him from seeing the beautiful lady he fall in love with years ago.

"I was thinking."mama say staring at Imran with a smile as he place his both legs around her so she can be sitting in between them.

"You want us to have a baby?"Imran say and mama gasp.

"Do you read mind now?"she say and Imran start laughing as she give him a playful nudge with a glare.

"So that it is?
You want a baby,
You want little zahra'u to have a baby sis, now I get it."Imran say grabbing her by the hand and she push him off her body smiling.

"You are unbelievable."mama say standing up with a bashful smile as Imran laugh at her.

"Where are you going ?
Don't you want the baby again?
Mama come let's make a baby this night."Imran say laughing at her as she run to the bathroom.

It doesn't matter how many years have pass mama is still shy of him, which is part of the few reasons he couldn't get enough of her, happiness is a choice and he's glad he's a part of her journey to pursuit that happiness,
Nobody chooses to be a victim and every single person is a victim in the journey of life at some point everyone is a Patsy but that doesn't mean we are weak, we are strong because we accept our differences and embrace every disappointment, he's happy because mama can now proudly open up to the world and face anyone to say she's a victim and she was a Patsy.

With this we come to an end to this book, sorry for the disappointment and the fact that things did not go the way you all want it to be, but damn life sometimes doesn't always give us what we want, it's left for us to make the choice of wether to give up or continue that bitter sweet journey of life,

I love you all and still remain your favorite writer.

Autan-mama 😁

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