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"which one of them do you like?"murja ask with a smile and mama shrug.

"Anyone is fine aunty murja,
Maybe we should go with the silver,
Is all this necessary?"mama ask with a sigh and murja frown.

Your uncle will kill me if you didn't agree to this,
He really want you to have a big wedding, you know him very well."murja say as the doorbell rings.

"Don't worry I will get it."mama say and stand up from the carpeted parlour floor.

As Imran promised he met with hashim and they discussed he sent his people and a wedding date was fixed which is just 2months away, for mama she knows this is a big change, everyday her heart keeps telling her to tell her uncle how she feels but she knows very well that will break the slightest good relationship between she and her uncle wife.

"Aunty Amina."mama say with a smile as sadiq wife slightly hug her.

"Our amarya,
How are you?"amina ask and enter the parlour closing the door shut.

"Amina welcome,
Glad you are here,
Better come and talk to this girl ,
She say she doesn't want a big wedding."murja complain as amina sit grabbing one of the many fabrics on the floor.

You will please fah because we want a big wedding."amina say glancing at mama, nobody have to tell her for her to know something is bothering mama.

"Just dinner is ok,
I need to answer this."she say and grab her ringing phone from the couch and head upstairs.

She open her bedroom door and enter with a sigh, why is this happening to her?
She always want this, for someone to love her so dearly without judging her , she gets that and now her heart is hovering a feeling she knows will bring nothing rather than pain and break a relationship she's been wanting to have for so long.

"Mama."the familiar voice call opening the door and she look up.

"Aunty Amina."mama say with a weak smile and amina enter the bedroom closing the door shut with a sigh.

What happened?
And don't you dare say nothing?
You are not happy, is written all over your face."Amina say sitting next to mama on the bed and mama sigh.

She doesn't want to say this to anyone, she want it to be her own secret even do it means enduring the pain, how she fall in love with her uncle us something she can't explain, she smile a forceful smile and shake her head.

"Nothing aunty,
It's just this whole scenario feels like a dream."mama say and her aunt nod.

"Nothing is permanent in life mama,
Regardless whatever condition we find ourselves a day will come where all the pain will be as away by a single person."amina say and mama nod releasing a deep breathe.

"I wish my parents are alive."mama say, she seriously needs a motherly figure in her life,even do amina has been there for her, she missed her parents, her mum precisely, there are days where she wonder if what could have been different in her life if her mum is alive.

"I'm always here for you mama,
My mum always tells me,
We don't always get what we want in life, but sometimes the things we want so badly aren't even what is best for us, if we embrace whatever changes Allah SWT brings in our life we will be happy, happiness vusva choice mama, we can't deny ourselves that, regardless the situation of things be happy."amina say and somehow those words just trigger something in mama and she breakdown.

Amina just hug her in comfort, what's running through mama's mind is why will God choose to make her feel that way towards her uncle, she hate herself for that and she's certainly not going to listen to her heart, the last time she did what her hearts wants she was left with pregnancy and bashir was taken away from her, perhaps her own fate is to be with Imran.

Hashim's POV

I am not one of this people that easily decipher my emotions towards people, ever since sadiq brought up the conversation about me in love with mama i find myself rather drawn to her than usual, I don't want to believe that i have any romantic affection towards mama, especially now that everything is going so smooth in my life, my wife is pregnant and I'm happy with how her relationship is with mama, I cannot let a mere infatuation I'm not even sure of ruined all that for me, besides mama looks up to me as an uncle, she regards me as a father figure, how can I even bring myself so low to look at her in such a way, I sigh and close the laptop shut as the bedroom door open.

"My one."my wife call walking to the bed making me to smile as she sit next to me and i gently place my hand on her small bump.

"What is it baby?
How is my Little princess doing in there?"I ask and murja pout with a smile.

You promise we will go out today,
It's been months since I. Leave this house, I'm craving "unzu" and plantain so badly."she say and my brow furrow.

"What is "unzu"?
And there's plantain in the kitchen,
I saw some this morning.'i say stand up and grab my t-shirt.

"I fried all 7 and ate it this afternoon,
*Unzu"is a baked clay like something they usually sell in the market, mostly you get it from Igbo market women."she say grabbing the black veil from the bed as i grab my car keys.

"But you will wait in the car,
I don't want you roaming around market with this pregnancy."I say and she humm in response as we exit the bedroom.

"I want ice cream to,
Precisely from coldstone,
And kilishi,
I want alot of sweet things hashim,
I will be fat before i hive birth."she say dramatically as we walk towards the stairs and my eyes automatically glance at mama's bedroom door.

"We will buy everything you want."I say as we walk down the stairs.

We exit the parlour and I spot the familiar blue BMW and from the parking garage i can see mama and Imran sitting, she's smiling and somehow that just upset me.

"What is wrong with me?" I mentally scold myself as we walk to the garage.

"Good evening uncle."Imran greet once he spot me and i nod with a smile that doesn't reach my heart.

How are you?
Mama you didn't get him anything?"my wife say and mama smile.

"He's fasting aunty,
Are you staying long, so i can set dinner before you got back?"mama say and my wife shake her head as i open the car door for her.

We will bring take out,
You two should enjoy each other's company for as long as you can."murja say and i close the car door.

I do be lieing to myself if i say I'm not fed up with standing and listening to bullshit, especially with how excited mama look, she have a warm smile on her face as she stare at Imran, the rapidly beating of my heart is not for excitement, it's for something i hate the fact that it's building in me *jealousy* somehow i know soon enough my heart cannot control this overwhelming feeling but what can i do? I ask myself as i drive out of the house with alot of thoughts churning in my head.

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Lov you all.

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