Chapter 5

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The long-awaited knighthood banquet in Jerusalem has finally arrived. Emma and the other handmaid had been preparing me for the occasion. Sir Tindall, thankfully, delivered the dress on schedule. I wore a green gown with a beaded puff displaying my neckline, a matching beaded tiara, and my hair braided.

My handmaids were amazed and taken aback when they saw me after they had finished dressing me.

"You looked so beautiful, my lady." Emma said

"The colour green does really suit my lady."

"Thank you." I smiled 

"And you really smell nice, my lady, like sweet vanilla." Joan said

"Not only does our lady smell sweet, her skin and make-up are nice too." "She not only looks like a princess but a goddess," exclaimed Emma.

Of course, I created my own beauty soap, make-up, and perfume using natural herbs and flowers. As I smiled at their comments, I thought to myself.

"The knights at the banquet will be amazed to see you, my lady," Joan giggles.

"Well, at the very least, I should try to impress them, because they are competing for my hand in marriage."

"I wonder who is the lucky knight who will win your hand?" Alisa wondered.

"Well, only God knows," Emma answered, "but whoever wins, he is lucky to have our lady's hand."

Then a male servant came by and told us that my carriage was ready to leave. I immediately went out with Emma, Lady Stephanie de Milly, and Raynald of Chatillon, who were waiting for me in Jerusalem.

It's a two-hour drive to Jerusalem, and I'm meticulously preparing my next move. I wasn't nervous or terrified. It's a mixture of anxiety and enthusiasm. Seeing King Baldwin IV and other historical people in person excites me. Of course, I must use caution as well. Taking the wrong steps will cost me my life.

Time flies, and before we know it, we've arrived at the Jerusalem gate. At the moment, Jerusalem is a battle ground. Everyone I saw standing outside my carriage seemed preoccupied with it. There are weapons everywhere. The major fortress is King Baldwin's Castle. Because this was the centre of the Holy Land, the majority of knights were present.

My carriage arrives at the castle's front gate. My knight opens the door and extends his hand to assist. The music was blasting before I stepped outside. Everyone was drinking and having a good time. Everything came to a halt as soon as I went outside, including the music. Everyone looked at me as if I were a ghost. Their gaze follows every step I take.

What the hell happened? Why are they staring at me so intently? Why do I have the impression that these folks are watching every move I make? I was thinking to myself.

 I became nervous and began to sweat. My stepmother then approaches.

"Daughter, you look extremely beautiful today; I didn't recognise you," she said as she took my arms in hers.

"Thank you, stepmother; I apologise for keeping you waiting," I said cheerfully.

"Well, all the knights here, I guess you've already swooned away." It's a good thing; they'll do everything they can to win you over. " Stephanie exclaimed enthusiastically.

I smiled, and my gaze was drawn to someone sitting in the centre of the stage, dressed in all white and wearing a silver mask. Our eyes locked on each other. I couldn't move because he was staring at me. My stepmother then grabbed my hand. "Philippa, are you paying attention?" she asked.

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