Chapter 55

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Philippa couldn't sleep that night, her mind consumed with worry for Baldwin's condition. She tossed and turned in her bed, trying to find some semblance of peace, but her thoughts kept returning to the battlefield and the danger that Baldwin faced. Eventually, she gave up on sleep and decided to break a sweat instead.

She slipped out of bed and made her way to the practice ground, determined to focus her energy on something productive. As she began to practice her swordsmanship, Lady Ruth appeared, greeting her with a warm smile.

"Your Highness... It's good to see you early in the morning," Lady Ruth said, watching as Philippa moved gracefully through the motions of her swordplay.

Philippa nodded in response, her mind still consumed with thoughts of Baldwin. She couldn't help but wonder if he was still alive, if he was still fighting for their cause. She felt a pang of guilt for not being there to protect him, for not being able to do more to help him.

As she continued to practice, Lady Ruth watched her with a keen eye, impressed by Philippa's determination and focus. "You're doing well," she said finally, "but remember to always keep your guard up. You never know when danger might strike."

Philippa nodded, her mind still fixated on Baldwin. She knew that she couldn't let her guard down, not when there was so much at stake. She had to be strong and vigilant, both for herself and for the man she loved.

"Your Highness, I can see the determination in your eyes," Lady Ruth remarked. "But there's more to swordplay than just physical strength. It's about strategy, about anticipating your opponent's moves."

Philippa nodded, absorbing the wisdom. "I understand, Lady Ruth. I want to be more than just a queen on the sidelines. I want to be able to protect my people, my husband."

Lady Ruth's gaze softened. "That's a noble goal, Your Highness. But remember, even the best warriors need allies. You're not alone in this."

As Philippa concluded their morning training, the sun ascending in the sky, "Thank you, Lady Ruth," Philippa expressed sincerely, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and determination.

Lady Ruth, donned in her training armor, returned the smile. "Your Highness, it's a pleasure to assist you. If there's ever anything you need, be it in matters of the sword or otherwise, do not hesitate to call upon me."

Philippa's gaze drifted toward the castle, contemplating the responsibilities that awaited her as the Queen. Just as she was about to excuse herself, William, the Archbishop of Tyre, approached with a bow.

"Your Majesty, the day's royal duties await," William announced respectfully.

Philippa nodded, turning back to Lady Ruth. "Thank you again, Lady Ruth. Your offer means a great deal to me."

The knight dipped her head in acknowledgment. "The honor is mine, Your Highness. May your day be filled with triumphs."

As Philippa walked away with William, Lady Ruth watched with a sense of admiration. The castle courtyard buzzed with activity, and Lady Ruth knew that behind the regal facade, Philippa faced challenges unique to a queen at a time of war.

The following day, Philippa found herself in her workroom, a space that bore witness to her dual roles—queen and healer. Amidst parchment and quills, William entered the room.

"Your Majesty, Lady Ruth has offered to assist you whenever you need help. Her skill with the sword is unmatched, and her loyalty unwavering," William conveyed.

Philippa, amidst her royal duties and preparations for medicine, felt a sense of reassurance. "I appreciate her offer. It's good to have someone I can trust in these trying times."

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