Chapter 64

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A group of horsemen arrived at Baldwin's camp, led by the Archbishop of Tyre, William. Upon setting foot on the ground, he immediately dismounted his horse and hurriedly went to look for the King, especially for the Queen. With worry etched on his face, his complexion was visibly pale, and he appeared as though he hadn't slept well, with dark circles under his eyes. Spotting Abu sitting outside, eating apples with the other knights, he called out frantically, "Abu!"

"Where is she?" he asked urgently. Abu gulped down the apple he was chewing. "W-who?" he asked, seemingly taken aback by the frantic demeanor of the priest.

"Don't play dumb with me... the queen... where is her majesty?" William demanded, his tone filled with concern. "She is with the King and she is completely fine," Abu reassured with a grin.

"Fine?! You call this situation fine?!" exclaimed William. "That girl... does she know how worried I am? When I received a letter stating that she was leading a group of knights to war! A goddamned bloody war! And take note, it's not just any ordinary knights, but a group of leper knights!"

"I almost fainted and was devastated when I read that bloody letter," he continued, his distress evident.

"But she is fine and we won!," Abu said, attempting to calm William.

"I need to talk to her... I cannot rest until I see her with my own two eyes, until I know that she is fine and well, that she is completely out of danger," he said, his worry palpable.

"Well, she is with the King," Abu said, attempting to reassure her.

"Well, where is their tent?" William asked as he strode off, searching for them. " I'll Give her a piece of my mind " He continued

"W-wait!" Abu said, attempting to stop the elderly priest.

"Abu, don't stop me... I need to see that child," William insisted.

"It's not a good idea..." Abu cautioned.

"And why is that?" William asked, his brow furrowed.

"Well, she hasn't been out of the tent since yesterday..." Abu explained.

"And?" William pressed, his expression growing more concerned.

"She's been with the King all day and night... if you catch my drift," Abu said, adding a touch of comedy.

"All day and night...?" William repeated, a mix of shock and realization crossing his face.

"Yes, all night... so it might not be a good idea to go in there... unless you want a repeat of last time," Abu warned.

"Oh, is that so? Well, I suppose I'll wait for her then," William cleared his throat as he settled beside Abu.

A white carriage came to the Castle of Jerusalem, an unexpected guest to the House of Anjou, signaling the entrance of Lady Ophelia from the House of Boyd.

Her beauty was renowned throughout the land, with long chestnut hair, dreamy blue eyes, and a charming smile capable of enchanting any man. She had been widowed at the tender age of 15 after marrying Lord Leopold Boyd, her father's friend. Though he was considerably older when they married, they had not produced any children before his passing, leaving young Ophelia a wealthy widow.

"Your Highness," Mabel addressed Princess Sibylla, who was tutoring her six-year-old son, Prince Baudouin. "Lady Ophelia has arrived," she said.

Sibylla rose with a smile on her face, excited to reunite with her childhood friend Ophelia.

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