Chapter 6.5

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I carefully stood up and walked over to him. "All right, let's go," I say as I pat his shoulder.

As we walked down the hall, I was greeted by several of my men.

I was greeted by Lord and Lady Chatillon as I walked up to the centre stage and sat in my throne.

"Greetings, my lord," Lady Stephanie de Milly said as she lowered her head and greeted me.

"Greetings, My Lady, Lord Raynald?" I said as I greeted them.

"Thank you, my king, for permitting us to hold an archery tournament for our stepdaughter," Lord Raynald said.

"Your welcome, Lord Raynald," I said as I took a careful look around.

"I don't see any envoys from the Byzantine empire; I thought you were planning to marry Lady Philippa to Andronikos of Byzantine," I asked.

"Now, in that regard, I was hesitant to agree to marry him to my stepdaughter because I heard he was in exile for treason," Raynald explained.

"I see...well, at least we have an eligible knight willing to participate in the archery tournament," I said, looking at the archery tournament competitor.

"You are completely right, your highness, and we are hoping for Count Philip of Tripoli to win." Lady Stephanie enthusiastically stated

"Count Tripoli? My paternal uncle is also taking part?" I inquired.

"Yes, your Majesty, he actually sent a letter of intent to marry Philippa because his young wife died during childbirth and he is now looking for a new one to ease his broken heart," Raynald chuckles.

"really... but he is too old to marry, no offence, but the old man already had his previous marriage annulled due to his gambling problems, not to mention he has already married three times in the last three years."

"Are you absolutely certain you wanted the lady to marry him?" I asked.

"Well, I understand he isn't perfect, but I don't see any other issues. It is clear that he is a bachelor and has a land and title, and he is your uncle my lord, and all of the other participants for the tournament, he is more than qualified because he is a well established noble," Raynald stated confidently.

I see, they are willing to marry her to anyone who can satisfy their desires. William is correct about Raynald's desire for power, but I am not in a position to intervene in this matter. I thought to myself

"Well, since you're already set on marrying Lady Philippa, to count Tripoli, I hope he wins the tournament." I said

"He will win, I assure you, your Majesty, he may be old, but the man is the most talented archer that we had in Jerusalem," Lady Stephanie said confidently.

"Very well then," I say.

Lady Stephanie's attention was diverted when Lady Philippa arrived and approached her with delight. When she arrived, the music stopped. Everyone was staring at her beauty and grace, which no one could match.

Her hair was as black as the midnight sky, her skin as white as snow, and her lips as pink as roses. Her beauty dazzled both me and everyone else.

I remember the last time I saw her was at her mother's funeral when I was nine years old, and I remember her crying; she was thin, frail, and sickly. She was a year older, but her body belied her years. She was always quiet and timid, and she was always sickly, in contrast to her elder sister Maria, who was adored by many and renowned for her beauty. I heard she was then sent to the convent of Saint Lazarus for education before I returned to Jerusalem.

As I look at her, I notice that she is no longer the child I used to know; she has changed in some way. She looked at me, and our eyes locked. As she approached to greet me, her eyes twinkled like stars, and I couldn't take my gaze away from her.

I could tell she was nervous because her hands were trembling. We exchange greetings and assure her that she has nothing to worry about in my presence.

She quickly smile as she went beside her step mother. We proceed with the banquate after that the archery tournament.

The archery tournament continued, and my paternal uncle was winning. This was not surprising given that he was a master archer in his prime. As far as I can tell, he is dead set on winning. Lady and Lord Raynald Chatellon is overjoyed that he has taken the lead in the tournament.

As I look over at Lady Philippa, I notice she is worried about the outcome of the tournament. Then William, my chancellor, came up to me.

"I believe the winner of this tournament has already been determined, your grace," he stated.

I agree... " I replied.

"I can't believe it, they're practically selling her to that old cow," William said angrily.

"I understand your concern about your late friend's daughter, but it's not our place to intervene," Baldwin said as he watched the tournament.

William sighed as he regained his composure. "I understand your highness, I am very upset with Raynald's treatment of Raymond's daughter as if he can do whatever he wants to that poor child."

"Well... as you know, she is no longer a child; she is now a woman, and her duty is to obey her family, and whatever her fate is in this marriage, we cannot intervene; she will marry the champion as agreed, and if I am not mistaken, she made that condition, and there is nothing we can do."

"I know... it just saddened me... but look at her, from what I recall when I visited her at convent, she was timid and frail, now look at her she grew up to become such a confident and strong young woman and a beauty that will put any goddess to shame, she grew up to be a very stunning young woman." William said

"I think we can agree on that," Baldwin said softly.

"If only she could marry someone her own age," William mumbled as he gazed at the king.

"What?" the king asked

"Oh, nothing, your grace... just watching that old cow win the tournament," William remarked.

The crowds cheered when Count Tripoli won the tournament, but they fell silent when Lady Philippa appeared at the archery ground, announcing that she is challenging the Victor to an archery contest.

The announcement surprised both the king and William.

It was a sight to behold. A bold and aggressive decision by a lady who has known nothing but a pamper life to challenge a man of that calibre and experience than anyone else in this tournament.

She was very daring in mocking Count Philip's ability to accept her challenge, and she asked the king for a fair judgement without hesitation.

The King was amused by the lady's actions, and he was curious about how things would progress, so he agreed to the lady's terms as they proceeded with the challenge.

Count Tripoli was upset, but he accepts the challenge as long as Lady Philippa hits the targets. which the lady gladly agreed to.

The King had never seen anything like Lady Philippa confidently hitting every target that she landed. He had always known that Count Tripoli was a very talented bowsman in the entire kingdom, but he never imagined that he would be defeated by a lady.

"It's obvious that the lady is winning; I've never seen such talent, but even your skilled archer can parry that, and look how unhappy her stepparent is," William chuckles.

William is right, she is above talented, as she rose victorious against Count Tripoli, with large crowds of ladies cheering her on, and the knights who had been sneering at her earlier were dumbfounded.

She not only won the tournament, but she also boosted the morale of oppressed women.

She is similar to the Roman Empire's Goddess Diana in her beauty, purity, and talent as an archer, but she is also unpredictable and vengeful, like Diana, the moon goddess. As he sat quietly watching the event, King Baldwin thought to himself.

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