Chapter 61

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Following the great victory at the River Jordan, Queen Philippa rode to Baldwin's camp, eager to reconcile with her beloved king. When she arrived, the camp was busy with activity, with people tending to the wounded soldiers from the recent battle.

As Philippa dismounted her horse, she noticed King Baldwin, who was now accompanied by Omar, the royal physician. They hadn't seen each other in almost a year, and seeing him standing in front of her had her heart racing. Baldwin, too, couldn't contain his delight and yearning for his queen.

Baldwin, missing his queen so much, let go of Omar's support and sought to race towards Philippa, his knees quivering from a feeble body. Philippa, sensing her king's anxiousness, dashed towards him and embraced him fiercely. Philippa murmured, "I got you. I am here..."

"I missed you so much," Baldwin whispered into her ear, the scene unfolding in front of the several knights gathered around them. As Baldwin's knees gave way beneath him, he slumped to the ground, cradled in Philippa's loving arms.

Baldwin's physical condition suffered as a result of exhaustion and fever. His body felt fragile, and he strained to keep his eyes open. Philippa knew she needed to nurture him back to health.

Baldwin's breathing was shallow, his body trembling with the effort to stay awake. Philippa gently began to undress him, removing his bloodied Iron Mask, heavy armour, and ragged clothing. She bathed him with warm water and a soothing herbal mixture, easing the aches and pains that plagued his body. The gentle massage and tender care she provided helped to relax his muscles and calm his nerves.

Philippa kept a close eye on Baldwin as he fell asleep, gently stroking his forehead. On that same afternoon, Omar understood the severity of Roger's position and realised that every second counted, so he dashed towards Philippa's tent, his pulse racing in his chest.

Upon arriving, he wasted no time in seeking out the queen, his eyes scanning the tent for her presence. As he spotted her engrossed in watching Baldwin sleep, he interrupted them with an air of desperation.

"Your Highness," he started, his voice shaking slightly, "I must speak with you immediately; it is a matter of utmost importance." Philippa, sensing the gravity in Omar's tone, immediately stood up and followed him out of the tent. As they stepped outside, Omar wasted no time in relaying the dire news about Roger.

"Roger has been grievously wounded, Your Majesty," he murmured, his voice shaking. "He has lost a significant amount of blood and requires more than basic healing. I implore you, please, come quickly to his aid."

Philippa's heart sank when she heard Omar's frantic request for Roger, Baldwin's closest friend. She felt she needed to act quickly to save his life, driven by determination.

Leaving Baldwin's side, she rushed to Roger's aid, accompanied by Omar and Abu. As she entered the room where Roger lay, battered and bleeding, Philippa's eyes met his, filled with determination to save him. With a calm and steady hand, she began to assess the extent of his injuries, drawing upon her years of extensive experience from the future, which guided her every action..

In an urgent and efficient manner, she instructed her assistants to gather the essential items for treatment. Her unwavering attention remained on Roger's delicate state as she diligently tended to his injuries. As she meticulously cleaned the wounds, she applied pressure to halt the bleeding and commanded Abu to retrieve the pre-prepared suture needle.

Philipa observed that despite her attempts to staunch the flow of blood by applying pressure on the wound, it continued to bleed unabated. Omar, with a troubled expression, admitted, "I applied pressure earlier, but it appears the wound just won't close, and the bleeding continues."

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