Chapter 21

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"Now... we've already decided to marry.... and I wanted to propose a plan," I said nervously

"A plan?" he inquired.

"Yes..." I said, clasping my hands together, "I know that Bohemond will not concede defeat until he gets what he wants, and I only know one solution."

"What is it?"

"I will have to promise to give him power once I am crowned Queen, but it will only be for show until I find a way to permanently stop him," I explained.

"I know I'm in no position, but we need to act as if he will benefit from something once I marry you. I know he has a plan against you, and I need to find out what it is so that I can help you and protect the Kingdom," I added.

King Baldwin listened intently to my plan. He appears hesitant at first, but later agrees, saying, "I understand.. I trust you... do what you must."

"I know you're not ready to tell me why you're desperate not to go back, but whatever the reason, I'll believe you and I'll wait until you're ready," he says as he caresses my cheek, which I return with a shy smile, "because I know our marriage will be based on our mutual trust in each other."

"Thank you," I said with a crooked smile, surprised that he had so much faith in me. He never requests an explanation.

Aimery rushes into the bedroom chamber, "Sire... the Vassals await."

"Yes.. tell them I'll be there shortly," he replied, "I need to go now, my lady... " as he turned to me and kissed my hand"

On the same day, the King issued an order for a message to be sent to all of his allies and the entire kingdom, announcing his intention to marry. Our wedding date falls on the 76th anniversary of the capture of Jerusalem by the First Crusade. which will be in two weeks.

Many people were pleased with the news; William was overcome with emotion when King Baldwin announced his intention to marry me, and Abu and Emma were overjoyed. Aimery and Oscar both congratulate us but are perplexed by the news. Some, however, were not pleased, including Archbishop Henry, who met with the seven representatives of the House of Dukes.

"We can't let this happen!" exclaimed Lord Toron, "the king sent a message intending to marry Lady Philippa."

"True... if their marriage takes place, it will strengthen Bohemond's position," Lord Burgundy said.

As the noble family's fear grows, Archbishop Henry silently listens to the dukes' gnawing, as they fear losing their position. Bishop Henry drinks wine from his silver chalice while watching them argue.

"There is no need to threaten; I will have to persuade the young King not to marry her," Henry explained.

"but how? did you not hear... she slept with him... she has no choice but to marry that leper," Lord Toron said.

"yes... I can't imagine the young king was able to sleep with a woman despite his disease, and she was able to stomach that leprotic body of his," Henry grumbled.

"He may be leprotic, but he is still a man," Lord Bures said. "I must admit that Lady Philippa is a truly beautiful young maiden, her beauty transcends those Greek goddesses."

"She may be beautiful and alluring, but she is a threat... and we need to get rid of her before her family regains power," Henry sneered.

"But how?" Lord Toron inquired.

"I have a plan," Henry said with a sinister grin on his face.

Outside Bohemond's chamber, his knight stands anxiously guarding the entrance as they hear a loud crashing sound and the breaking of glasses. I assume he already heard the news and it appears that he did not take it well, so I decided to pay him a visit. I had already informed Baldwin of my plan, knowing that he will not back down without a fight, but his hunger for power is his weakness.

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