Chapter 56

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The royal chamber hummed with a palpable tension, the air thickened by the gravity of the impending discussion. Philippa, resolute and regal, sat at the head of the room, her gaze steady as she awaited the counsel of her trusted advisors.

William, the Archbishop of Tyre, rose from his seat, his expression etched with concern. "Your Majesty," he began, his voice measured and laden with the weight of responsibility. "I must express my deep reservations about the journey you're contemplating. Meeting Louis VII of France is not without peril, especially considering the history between his kingdom and your family. Let me dispatch messengers or envoys on your behalf."

Philippa, ever composed, met William's gaze with an inquisitive arch of her eyebrow. "Speak your mind, Archbishop. What really concerns you?"

William hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Louis VII held a deep-seated animosity towards your father, even after his passing. Your father, a prince in Antioch, wasn't a king, but the enmity remains. Your journey to seek aid from the head of the Order of Lazarus may not be met with the warm reception you hope for."

Philippa's brow furrowed in mild surprise. "I was not aware of any animosity. My father's position in Antioch was far from that of a king. Why would there be resentment?"

William sighed, the weight of unspoken history heavy in the air. "Your family's involvement in the political landscape of the Holy Land has left a complex tapestry of alliances and grievances. Louis VII may not easily forget the past, and your association with the House of Antioch could color his perception."

Philippa, however, stood resolute. Her eyes, a reflection of both determination and worry, met William's gaze. "I appreciate your concern, Archbishop, but time is not on our side. Every passing day without additional support for Baldwin is frightful. Louis VII could be the key to securing aid. And the Lazarists are Jerusalem knights.. Are they not?... "

William's features tightened, his worry etched across his face. "Your Majesty, it is not just about the physical danger. The politics, the alliances - they are -. What if Louis VII refuses? What if-"

Philippa, cutting through his words with a calm but unyielding tone, stated, "I understand the risks, William. But I must try. I cannot sit idly within these walls while Baldwin faces an uncertain fate. The Lazarists may have become an Independent order but they are loyal to the crown, with their noble cause, might find reason in our plea. I need your support in this, not resistance."

The Archbishop sighed, torn between his duty to protect the Queen and his understanding of the urgency. "Your Majesty, it's a gamble, a gamble that could put you in harm's way."

Philippa's expression softened, a blend of empathy and determination. "Every decision in these times is a gamble, William. But if there's a chance to save Baldwin, I must take it."

There was a moment of silence, the gravity of their exchange hanging in the air. Then, Philippa added, "I'm not asking you to agree wholeheartedly, but I am asking for your trust and, if possible, your assistance."

William, though reluctant, nodded understandingly. "Your Majesty, perhaps it would be wise to have Abu accompany you on this journey. His knowledge of various languages and his resourcefulness may prove invaluable."

Philippa considered the suggestion, recognizing the practicality in having Abu by her side. She turned to Abu, who was standing nearby. "Abu, what do you think?"

Abu, known for his wit and charm, replied with a sly grin, "Oh, Your Majesty, my skills are better suited to continue to create medicine here while you're gone. I'm not exactly the knight-in-shining-armor type, you know."

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