Chapter 54

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In the dimly lit corridor, William hastened his steps, closing the distance between himself and Philippa, who walked ahead with evident distress etched upon her face. "Wait, Your Highness," he implored gently, reaching out to grasp her goddaughter's arm in an attempt to slow her hurried pace.

Philippa's footsteps faltered momentarily as William's touch caused her to turn her head slightly. Tears glistened in her eyes, betraying the turmoil within. Philippa's chest heaved with frustration, her eyes flashing with indignation. "How dare he insult my husband, and my authority!"

William gently placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, trying to steady her. "I know, my Child...he implored softly, "I understand your frustration, but let's handle this calmly."

The Queen's anger lingered, but she gradually took in a deep breath, attempting to regain her composure. " and I apologize that you have to see that.... I know it's very unbecoming for woman..."Philippa said clasping her hands together

"You don't need to apologize," William reassured her, understanding the weight of the situation. "And to tell you honestly, he's more than a handful and He deserves more than one punch I would say...why not throw him to the dungeon and feed him to the Lions... I am just saying..." William chuckles

Philippa managed a faint smile amid her turmoil. "I just can't stand his arrogance and dismissal. This is about the kingdom, about Baldwin."

William nodded in agreement. "I know, and I'm with you. Let's find a way to address this. You're not alone in this struggle."

With a sigh, Philippa cast a weary glance at William, her eyes reflecting a mix of resolve and vulnerability. "Thank you, William..." she said, her voice carrying a hint of gratitude amidst the turmoil.

The corridor remained silent save for the echoes of their conversation. William, his expression etched with concern, tried to offer words of solace. "Your Highness, please don't be disheartened," he began, his voice soft and reassuring. "We will find a way through this challenging situation, together."

Philippa's shoulders slumped with the weight of her responsibilities. "I just want to ensure Baldwin's safety," she whispered, her voice tinged with desperation. The flickering torches cast elongated shadows on the walls, adding an air of urgency to their conversation.

William nodded sympathetically, understanding the depth of Philippa's worry. "We'll explore every options available to us." he offered, his tone a blend of reassurance and determine

As they navigated the labyrinthine corridors, Philippa's mind raced with thoughts of how to counter Henry's influence and garner support for reinforcing Baldwin's forces. Little did she know that Henry, feeling the sting of humiliation, had sought Lady Agnes's aid to turn the tide in his favor.

Lady Agnes's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Bishop Henry enter her chambers, his face bruised and bloodied. She quickly rose from her seat and approached him, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Oh! God! What happened?!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with alarm.

Bishop Henry winced in pain as Lady Agnes touched his nose, which was swollen and discolored. He looked up at her, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and desperation.

"Philippa attacked me," he said, his voice low and menacing. "She thinks she can challenge my authority, but she is mistaken."

Lady Agnes's eyes narrowed as she listened to Bishop Henry's words. She knew that Philippa was a formidable woman, but she also knew that Bishop Henry was a dangerous man. She couldn't help but wonder what had led to this violent confrontation.

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