Chapter 26

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Servants rush in and out of the huge dining hall, carrying refreshments to Lady Agnes, the mother of King Baldwin and Princess Sibylla. "Why is that girl taking so long?" inquired Lady Agnes, who, despite her age, possessed a refined and dignified appearance, with a thin and delicate stature, fair white skin, blue grey eyes, and a sharp nose, as she sips her tea.

"Patience, mother... I am sure the new queen was well informed that we were going to visit her," Princess Sibylla, who sat next her mother, says. like her brother King Baldwin, who has stunning features and lovely ocean blue eyes.

"You know I don't like to be kept waiting... I already don't like her even though I've never met her, and now I have every reason to," Lady Agnes remarked sarcastically. "If I had known his majesty intended to marry, I would have introduced him to several ladies from a good family background," lady Agnes hissed.

"Oh.. mother.. give her a chance.. you might even like her," Sibylla remarked as Lady Agnes rolled her eyes at Princess Sibylla's response.

Philippa entered after a minute, accompanied by Emma and Bathilda, who opened the door for her. " Presenting Her Royal Highness Queen Philippa," declares Bathilda, as the two ladies rise from their seats, lower their heads, and bow "Your Majesty."

"I apologised if I kept you waiting... " Philippa remarked to Lady Agnes and Princess Sibylla with a smile. " oh please.. do sit down " Philippa said as the two ladies sat down

"It's alright... you must have a good reason," Lady Agnes replied with a sneer.

"Well.. actually Y-yesss," Philippa replied uncomfortably.

" do tell.. what is the reason? " Lady Agnes asked as she pick up her cup of tea

"well... umm.. I actually overslept..." Philippa said as she bite her lower lip

"hmm.. a reasonable excuse...." lady Agnes said sarcastically

Lady Agnes turned to look at her as Princess Sibylla exclaimed, "Mother...." as she turned to face her.

"I apologised, my mother was just tired from the long trip... So... the rumours that you are very beautiful are true," Princess Sibylla said as she turned to face Philippa. "I can see why my dear brother was smitten," she smiled.

Philippa POV:

Princess Sibylla, like her brother, is a gorgeous woman with blond hair and ocean blue eyes, and as lovely as she is, she looks like a fairy tale princess in a story book... and their mother Lady Agnes, albeit at her age I can see that she is also extremely beautiful with a petite frame body and her deep pair of blue grey eyes set precisely at her small face, but I get the impression that she doesn't like me... I thought to myself, As I gazed at them.

Princess Sibylla inquired, "Your Majesty? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh... where is my manner..." I say, "I was honestly in amazement of how lovely you were; you look exactly like Baldwin."

"I don't see any resemblance between them," Lady Agnes retorts, "but they do share the same hair colour and eyes, which they got from their father."

"Mother..." Princess Sibylla murmured, turning to face me. "Thank you for your compliment, your Majesty," Princess Sibylla responded politely.

"So... your grace, Lady Agnes... I heard you recently joined Baldwin's court, I too recently started, I hope I can learn a thing or two from you," I said as we began to have breakfast.

"You shouldn't just call him by his name, my son is still your King; you should be mindful to refer to him as his Majesty, he is not just any man you can call by their first name...we do have hierarchy in this castle..." Agnes explained as she sliced her steak on her plate.

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