Chapter 51

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In the hushed confines of Omar's tent, the Muslim physician huddled over a parchment, quill in hand. His gaze flickered between the letter he was writing and the distant horizon outside the window, where the sun had begun its slow descent.

With a furrowed brow and a heavy heart, Omar scribbled lines of concern and care onto the parchment. He knew the weight of his responsibility and the urgency of his message. Philippa, needed to know the truth about Baldwin's condition.

Despite Baldwin's strict instructions not to worry her, Omar was haunted by the king's worsening health. Baldwin's fever had persisted, the wounds from battle now seeping and showing signs of infection. The supplies Philippa regularly sent to treat his wounds and maintain clean water had been cut off weeks ago by Saracen interference.

Omar dipped the quill into the inkwell once more, fervently detailing the state of affairs in Baldwin's camp and the dire need for medical aid. He emphasized the urgency of the situation, knowing well that Philippa's expertise and compassion might hold the key to alleviating Baldwin's suffering.

In the quiet solitude of his tent, Omar carefully dipped his quill into the inkwell, the flickering light of the oil lamp casting dancing shadows across the parchment. His hand hovered momentarily before he began to inscribe each word, aware of the urgency and gravity of the message he was about to convey.

"Your Majesty, Queen Philippa," the letter began, each stroke of the quill measured and deliberate. "I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. He penned with steady yet urgent strokes, the ink flowing in graceful lines, "I write to you with a heavy heart, bearing news that weighs heavily upon us. Saladin's forces are amassing in secret, and within no more than a fortnight, we fear that our numbers will be greatly outnumbered."

Omar paused, his gaze drifting to the makeshift table, where a small candle flickered softly, illuminating the darkness of the tent. He knew the weight this news would bear on Philippa, and the trepidation in conveying such dire circumstances to the queen who awaited news of her king's safety.

Omar paused, his brow furrowing with worry, before continuing to convey the grim truth. " I also want to inform you of King Baldwin's condition." he continued, the quill scratching across the parchment as his hand moved swiftly, “While his spirit remains resolute, his health has taken a turn for the worse. Despite his unwavering determination, his wounds from the battle have worsened. His fever persists, and the infection has begun to spread. Our supply route for the medicines and clean water has been disrupted by the enemy, leaving us without adequate provisions."

He dipped the quill into the inkwell once more, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on his thoughts. "I write to you, not to cause you undue worry, but out of concern and the need for urgent action. The King's condition demands your immediate attention. He needs your aid, your medicines, and your care."

Omar paused, his heart heavy with the burden of the message he was sending. With a solemn breath, he sealed the letter with the royal seal, Omar swiftly summoned a trusted messenger, a young rider well-versed in navigating through the challenging terrain between Jerusalem and King Baldwin's camp. Handing over the sealed letter with a grave sense of urgency, Omar emphasized the importance of delivering it promptly to the Queen in Jerusalem.

"Make haste," Omar urged, his voice tinged with concern. "The Queen must receive this message without delay. The King's health is at stake."

The messenger, recognizing the gravity of the situation, nodded in understanding and swiftly mounted his horse, riding off into the dusky horizon, determined to cover the distance with all possible speed.

Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, the royal court was bustling with its daily activities. Philippa was engaged in overseeing the affairs of the kingdom, attending to the needs of her subjects, and ensuring that the castle ran smoothly in Baldwin's absence. As the sun began its descent, casting an orange hue across the city, the ladies-in-waiting waited patiently for their Queen's presence in the late afternoon tea gathering.

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