Chapter 39

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As Philippa prepared herself to march towards the great hall, frustration and longing burned within her, as she felt a palpable sense of impatience. Her steps were resolute, and her gaze fixed firmly on her destination. The weight of her emotions, her yearning for Baldwin, seemed to have transformed her into a singularly focused force.In her path stood William, the ever-watchful advisor, whose expression bore a mix of curiosity and concern.

Philippa's POV :

William, always the voice of reason, asked with a gentle tone, "Your Majesty, may I ask what is happening?" His inquiry served as a lifeline in that charged moment. Summoning my determination, I faced him and replied firmly, "I must see the King without delay. There are matters I need to discuss with him."

William regarded me with a thoughtful expression before responding, "Your Majesty, I understand your urgency, but perhaps it would be wise to wait for the right moment to approach the King. He has been preoccupied lately."

My frustration was palpable as I replied, "I've waited long enough, William. I must see him now."

"The king is in the great hall, and is preoccupied with... " Without giving William a chance to finish, I strode purposefully towards the great hall. My impatience and frustration had reached a breaking point, and I was single-minded in my pursuit of King Baldwin. William, taken aback by my resolute resolve, He hurriedly followed, determined to provide reason and guidance amidst my frustration, the click of his boots echoing in the corridor.

As we approached the great hall, there was an abrupt change in the ambiance - the peaceful quietness of the castle's corridors gave way to lively commotion in the halls. The people there were preoccupied with their work, oblivious to the intense feelings that were stirring inside me.

William gently reached out to reason with me once more, "Your Majesty, please, let me speak with the King first. I will ensure that he receives your message." But my resolve was unyielding, and I pushed forward, determined to confront the King and seek the answers I so desperately needed.

As I approached the grand entrance of the great hall, two knights, loyal to their king, stood guard, their imposing figures blocking my path. My determination and the sense of authority that radiated from me were undeniable. I didn't hesitate for a moment. With a firm command, I uttered, "Move!"

The knights, recognizing her resolve and perhaps realizing the gravity of the situation, exchanged a brief, uncertain glance. Without a word, they stepped aside, allowing Philippa to pass. As her heart raced with anticipation, Philippa summoned her inner strength and pushed aside the massive doors, granting her entry into the grandeur of the great hall. Each creak of the ornate wood seemed to echo her resolute determination.
The room beyond was bathed in the warm, golden hues of the setting sun, casting long shadows that stretched across the polished stone floor.

With the doors gently closing behind her, Philippa's attention was entirely consumed by the figure of her husband, King Baldwin, standing regally at the far end of the great hall. Her eyes locked onto his, and for a brief moment, the entire world seemed to fade away. She was oblivious to the presence of other noble grand knights who occupied the hall, her focus singularly directed towards the man she had been longing to see. Meanwhile, William remained outside, torn between his loyalty to the king and his concern for the queen.

The atmosphere in the hall was charged with tension, a palpable undercurrent of unspoken emotions. Philippa took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation that lay ahead. It was a moment of reckoning, a confrontation of the rift that had grown between them. She approached Baldwin, her heart heavy with a mixture of longing and frustration, ready to break the silence that had enveloped them for days.

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