Chapter 13

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"I heard that the lady left the castle grounds with Omar, Aimery told me in detail on how they argued earlier. I understand Omar's reaction to my decision to let the lady work with him. He was my personal physician after his master's death. he is very passionate and an intelligent man. he rarely speaks and follow orders meekly. this is the first time I heard him complaining." As I looked out the window of my workplace, I let out a sigh. " Lady Philippa certainly knows how to get the castle riled up. I hope they can work through their differences."

"She is as feisty as she is mysterious, My King," Roger Chuckles says. as he sat across from the fireplace with a goblet of wine in his hand.

"I agree, old friend... that is why I am concerned about her well-being," I explained.

"And that is why I offer her my friendship, because she desperately needs someone she can rely on," Roger explained.

"You offer her friendship? Did she accept?" I asked, turning around with a frown.

"No, she flatly refused my offer."

"Really? a lady... refuses you? the most eligible knight in Jerusalem?" I exclaimed, stunned.

"Yes, she did reject my offer, but I assure you that I am not giving up," Roger stated.

"I want you to stay away from her," I flatly stated.

"Why?" Roger inquired, a frown on his face.

"Sir William asked me to protect her from any threats in the castle, including you," I explained.

"Threat? w-who me?" he exclaimed. as he rises from his seat.

"Yes, unfortunately, your frivolous nature and you being a skirt-chaser cause Sir William not to trust you with his god daughter," I explained.

"hey... I'm dependable... trustworthy, not to mention one of Jerusalem's finest knights," he boasted.

"Yes, you are one of our talented knights, I have no problem with that... but stay away from her, that's an order," I said.

"Come on.. I won't do anything to hurt her.. I just want to get to know her." Roger explained

"knowing you Roger, and how you behave irresponsibly or have many casual sexual relationships with countless of ladies, my answer remains no..." I looked at him, "Lady Philippa has already been through a lot, and I don't want her to feel uncomfortable in the castle, I hope you understand Roger."

"I understand... but I will prove my worth and I promise you... I will not do anything bad to her, I just wanna be her friend. that is all" Roger said

I sighed heavily, but before I could respond, Aimery entered, saying, "Sire... Omar awaits at your chamber for your treatment."

"Is it already time?" I ask.

"Yes, sire," he says.

"Well, it looks like you need to go or Omar will miss you," Roger joked, "and I need to go now, see you around my king," Roger said as he walked to the door.

"hmm... alright... see you around," I say as he walks away.

I quietly follow Aimery to my bedroom chamber, where I usually get my daily treatment and bandages changed by Omar, but to my surprise, it was Lady Philippa who greeted me with a smile as she approached gracefully greeted with a curtsy.

"M-my lady, good evening, I didn't expect you to come and see me tonight, is there any problem?" I inquired, looking around to see if Omar was also present.

"No...Your Majesty, I am here to treat you," she replied enthusiastically.

"My treatment?" I wondered. "I apologise my lady, but what I know is that Omar is usually the one who cleans my wounds," I explained.

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