Chapter 32

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My ladies in waiting and I were sitting in a garden, sipping tea. I felt awkward since everyone was so quiet. For instance, each of these women is attractive and distinct;

Lady Olivia appears to be the youngest of the three, at only 16 years. Her smile is beautiful, and her youth most likely gives a refreshing and energetic spirit to the gathering.

Lady Catherine, with her brunette beauty, must be going through a difficult period following her divorce. It's understandable that she's looking for a new relationship, and hopes she finds someone who will provide her happiness and stability.

Lady Helena, on the other hand, stands out as the mature and elegant one among the ladies. It's intriguing that she's about to be engaged to an unknown knight. Her calmness and acceptance of the situation suggest that she may have a strong sense of duty or a trusting nature.

It's lovely that each of these ladies brings their unique qualities and personalities to the group, So I opted to break the ice in order to get to know them personally.

"So Lady Olivia, tell me what do you do on your free time? " I asked as I sip my cup of tea.

Lady Olivia blushed slightly,She replied with a soft smile, "Well... I do like tea " she said shyly

"Oh..well...umm... anything else that you like to do aside drinking tea?"

"well I.. " she replied

"Olivia, you're such a dimwitt, that's not what the Queen meant," Catherine lashed as Olivia bowed her head in shame.

" It's alright Olivia, I am sorry if I asked and I am sure you find something that you will be interested with "

She replied with a soft smile, "It's alright your Majesty.... well, I do enjoy spending time in the garden, much like today. The beauty of nature calms my heart. Besides that, I also like painting and drawing. It's a way for me to express my feelings and capture the world's beauty on paper."

"That sounds lovely," I said, genuinely interested. "Painting and drawing are wonderful ways to connect with your creative side; have you ever considered displaying or sharing the pieces you make with others?"

Lady Olivia's eyes twinkled with a mixture of delight and shyness. "Oh, no, I hadn't thought of that; I'm quite shy about my art, and I usually keep it to myself."

"It's completely understandable," I reassured her. "However, based on what you've told me, I have a feeling your art is truly captivating, and perhaps, in time, you'll gain the confidence to share it with others; many people would appreciate your talents."

Lady Olivia blushing even more, yet she seemed grateful. "Thank you very much, your Majesty; it means a lot to me."

"Your welcome," I replied, my response demonstrates empathy for Lady Olivia's feelings and reassures her that it's acceptable to not have specific hobbies worked out yet. Changing the subject to Lady Catherine's hobbies is a sensible way to keep the conversation going and everyone feeling involved.

"and how about you, Lady Catherine? What are your interests?" I asked

"Oh, I do have a variety of interests! Apart from my love for dressing up and indulging in the finest things, I enjoy horseback riding; there's something exhilarating about the feeling of freedom when galloping through the countryside," Lady Catherine responds with enthusiasm.

"That sounds absolutely thrilling," I respond, clearly interested in her activity. "Horseback riding must allow you to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature in a unique way; do you ride in the countryside frequently?" I inquired.

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