Chapter 15

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I ran like a crazy woman into the castle hall, thinking to myself, What the hell is going on with me? As I ran, I'm so embarrasseddd!!

Then I was knocked over. "Oh milady! I am sorry, are you all right?" a familiar voice said, reaching out his hand to help me stand up.

"I'm fine," I say as I reach for Sir Roger's hand to help me stand.

"What happened to you?" he inquired, "did someone do this to you?" he added solemnly.

"Huh?" I exclaimed, inspecting my tea-stained dress and unruly hair. "No one bullied me... I just accidentally knocked over my breakfast and was returning to my room to fix myself," I explained.

He asked, "May I walk you to your chamber?"

"No..." I walked calmly, and he quickly followed, saying, "I just wanted to be friends and get to know you better."

"Why?" I inquired.

"Well...since you don't know anyone here, and I think I can be a good friend and guide...I can actually point out all of the secret exits that we have here in this castle, as well as where to take a good nap or stroll around."

"really.. castle exits?" I remarked sarcastically. "Where are you going? you seem to be a very busy young man?" I inquired.

"I was on my way to meet his Majesty for the morning assembly," he replied quickly.

"I see...I need to get going... and you wouldn't want to keep his majesty waiting... and thank you for the offer, but I'll think about it," I say as I walk on.

"I'm looking forward to it," he said. as I walk quickly

I returned to my bed chamber, tired and dizzy, to be greeted by Emma, who was horrified at how I looked. "Oh my dear! what happened to you?!" she exclaimed.

"Long story..." I said as I jumped into bed.

"I thought you were going to have breakfast with His Highness," she said.

"Yes..we did... and I did something stupid..." I said quietly, burying my face in the pillow.

"Oh dear... what happened?" she says as she sits beside me.

I told them about how I embarrassed myself in front of King Baldwin.

Abu began to laugh uncontrollably, and Emma tried to console me, saying, "hush now, Abu!, don't laugh at the lady."

"I'm sorry, My Lady, I was just surprised that you can act your age," he explained.

"How come?" I inquired.

"First and foremost, you are very mature for your age, considering you are only 17 and a year older than I am," he says.

"That is right, my lady," Emma added.

"Well, mature or not, I still run away from him out of embarrassment."

"Ohh... don't worry my child, I'm sure the king will understand, you don't have to worry, it's part of growing up... it happens for a reason," Emma says.

"Nevertheless, I still act immaturely in front of a king," I explained. "I will write an apology letter to his highness, and perhaps invite him to dinner."

"And, my lady, before I forget, the merchant delivered your glass earlier," Abu said.

"That's fantastic!" I exclaimed, "but where is it?"

"I put it in your workroom," he says.

"OK, will have to get back to work now," I said as I stood up and prepared to leave, but Emma blocked my path.

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