Chapter 47

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Lady Ruth Norfolk enters the royal palace with a measured yet confident stride, her footsteps echoing through the corridors. She moves with purpose, every step a testament to her assured presence and martial prowess. Clad in a well-polished suit of armor that glints under the palace's light, she carries herself with the grace of a seasoned warrior.

Her arrival is announced by the clinking of metal and the faint murmur among the palace guards as they recognize the renowned knight. Lady Ruth's entrance commands attention, drawing curious glances and whispers from onlookers who recognize her distinctive armor and esteemed reputation.

With a dignified air and a focused gaze, Lady Ruth strides purposefully toward the designated meeting area, her height commands attention, and her demeanor exudes confidence and authority. Lady Ruth is an imposing figure, standing tall and robust with a regal bearing.Despite her advanced age, her posture remains upright, and her presence radiates a combination of strength and grace.

As Philippa strolled through the palace corridors, William guided her toward a spacious training room where Lady Ruth awaited. The air was heavy with anticipation.

As Philippa stepped into the room, she was greeted by the sight of Lady Ruth-a towering figure with an unmistakable air of authority. The mentor stood tall and commanding, her short hair, once a vibrant blonde, has now paled to a soft, almost white hue, framing her face with a distinguished air. Her sharp, observant eyes bear the wisdom of experience, and her callous hands suggest a lifetime of dedication to her craft. Though her appearance may be simple, the power of her presence is undeniable, speaking volumes of her years spent honing her skills as a formidable warrior and mentor.

"Your Majesty," William announced Philippa's arrival, bowing respectfully before the formidable Lady Ruth. "May I present to you Lady Ruth, House of Norfolk, esteemed mentor and former knight of valor."

Lady Ruth turned toward Philippa, her eyes keen and perceptive. "Your Majesty," she spoke with a firm yet respectful tone, acknowledging Philippa's presence. "I've heard much about your determination to learn the ways of the sword." Her voice, though stern, carried a sense of unwavering dedication to her craft.

Philippa sensed the strength and wisdom in Lady Ruth's gaze, and though slightly intimidated, she was filled with a newfound determination to learn from this experienced mentor.

Amidst the soft rustle of skirts and the faint clinking of armor in the palace corridors, Emma, the queen's loyal handmaid, leaned in close to Philippa, voicing her unease in a hushed tone. "Your Majesty, are you absolutely sure about this? She looks like she could wrestle a bear! I'm worried for you; she might mistake you for a twig and-"

Philippa stifled a laugh, barely concealing her amusement at Emma's comparison. She glanced at Lady Ruth, towering and formidable, standing nearby. The comparison was indeed comically accurate. Suppressing a grin, Philippa nodded reassuringly at Emma, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Emma, my dear friend, Lady Ruth may have the stature of a bear, but worry not, for I've faced many challenges."

Emma's eyes widened in mild panic, her concern undeterred. "But Your Majesty-"

Philippa, trying her best to keep a straight face, interrupted with a playful tone. "Fear not, Emma. Besides, if she does indeed snap me into two, at least I'll have matching halves"

Emma blinked, torn between laughter and concern, as Philippa chuckled softly. The thought of Lady Ruth resembling a bear in appearance and demeanor was now etched comically in both their minds, lightening the seriousness of the impending training session.

Philippa approached Lady Ruth with a polite and welcoming demeanor, a hint of nervousness mixed with curiosity evident in her eyes. Clearing her throat lightly, Philippa extended her hand for a respectful handshake, trying to mask any apprehension.

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