Chapter 22

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Mabel, the Head Governess, came to meet me for the Queen lesson a week before the wedding. She was a sophisticated tall, slender elderly woman with dark eyes and a prominent nose. She was dressed in a traditional mediaeval green gown and a white whimper that covered her head and neck. She had a stoic expression on her face, but she was also graceful.

"It is an honour to serve you, your grace," she says gracefully.

"The honour is mine," I say as I return the curtsy.

"I've heard you're the personal governess of Princess Sibylla," I inquired.

"Yes, and I teach her everything she needs to know, from basic etiquette to politics," she explained.

"Oh... that's great... I know Princess Sibylla is the King's heir," I added.

"Yes.. she is.. she spent her entire life preparing for that role and she nailed it, but I was surprised that I will teach another candidate for the position," she said sarcastically.

"n-no... you can take it easy on me...Princess Sibylla will still be the King's heir and she is perfect for that role, and I will just be his queen until he abdicates the throne," I said with a smile, knowing that this woman is definitely against me.

"True.. she would make a perfect queen," she said solemnly, "but rest assured, your grace, that I will teach you everything you need to know to become a proper monarch."

"t-thank you," I say.

"I'll start the lesson tomorrow," she said as she sipped her tea.

"Tomorrow?" I ask, "Can we start after the wedding?"

"Of course not... we need to begin your lesson right away, your grace... I know you come from a good noble family, but I heard strange things about you..." she explained.

"And what strange things have you heard?" I inquired.

"lots of unladylike things," she says, "but don't worry, I'll shape you into a perfect lady."

I smiled at her and quickly sipped from my tea cup, feeling anxious for the first time... Mabel is a stern lady who never conceals her intentions.

True to her word, she came to my bedroom chamber early the next morning, before the sunrise touched my window.

"Rise and shine, my lady," she said as she opened my bedroom curtain.

"What time is it?" I moaned, barely opening my eyes.

"It's time for your lesson," she explained.

"5 more minutes," I say as I wrap my blanket around myself.

She snaps her finger, and her attendants take my blankets away.

"Oh, it's so cold!" I exclaimed.

"A queen rises early to serve her country," she said.

I was barely awake when her attendant led me to my mirror to get dressed.

"We have a lot to do, your grace," she said. "You will learn the basics, the do's and don'ts of being a good wife and queen to the king," she added.

"Oh, good lord," I grunted.

"Young maiden should have small waist," she said as her attendants, who all look the same, tightened my corset.

"I'm sure girls in this time learn not to breathe," I mutter.

"No sense," she replied, "small waists are appealing to men."

"A lady should always wear a modest dress, purity and simplicity is the key. Never allow the man to see your clavicle or your skin." as she placed a white whimper on my head covering my hair to my neck. she adorned me in a red mediaeval gown with a gold Celtic knot.

"You look absolutely perfect," she said, smiling.

"I can't move... it's too tight," I complained.

"A queen should stand tall and straight," she said as she straightened my back, "they don't slouch."

As the lessons progress, she keeps a close eye on my every move. Everything I do, from what I eat to how I speak. She was unbearable.

She taught me everything I needed to know about ruling the palace as the queen, including history and politics, which I had never learned in my previous life. I had many questions, which she eagerly answered.

On our way to the castle grounds, I come across the main gates, where the villagers have come to congratulate me on my upcoming wedding. I ran over to them and greeted them, much to my delight. I was relieved to see them in good health as they reached my hand through the iron bars of the gate.

"Open the gates!" I command the guards.

"No!" exclaimed Mabel. "don't open the gate!" she commanded

"What are you doing?" she asks, yanking my arms and pulling me back into the castle hall.

"I should have asked the same question, I mean, what the hell?" I replied as I removed my arms from her grip.

"Those are peasants," she explained.

"No, they're my friends... I want them at my wedding," I explained.

"Those peasants are not qualified to be your friend if you want to be crowned queen," she snorted.

"What? you're not going to decide that for me, Mabel, those peasants are the King's loyal subjects," I explained.

"That is why... those are your loyal subjects, and as queen, there should be boundaries; you cannot be friends with everyone you meet; as a leader, you must lead them not become friends with them... not everyone will be kind to you, my lady... you should be careful because some other people will take advantage of your silliness," she explained.

"We'll continue the lesson tomorrow," she said as she walked away, leaving me alone.

She was right... I knew other people, even other nobles, didn't like me... But how can I become a good queen...? can I become one?  I questioned myself.

I wake up early the next day for my lesson and stare blankly in the mirror... If I'm going to be a good queen... Then I should begin with myself, " Emma " I said.

"Yes, My lady" 

"Let's get ready for the day..." I said, smiling.

Mabel was surprised to see me in my red off-shoulder gown, revealing my neck and clavicle, with my hair braided and flowing behind my back, adorned with jewels, as she entered my chamber.

"Good lord," she grumbled.

"Good morning, Lady Mabel," I said.

"What on earth is that dress! It is unsuitable and unbecoming for a noble lady!" she exclaimed in horror. 

"You seem to disapprove of my dress," I devilishly smile at her.

"yes! how could you wear that kind of dress!, you're going to be a queen, not a whore... a queen should be modest and perfect in everyone's eyes!" she exclaims.

"A Queen never pretended to be someone she wasn't, nor will she use her wealth and power to make others feel less than. As the future Queen, I will show all how listening to others, connecting with everyone, and making them feel seen and accepted, even when their beliefs differ from our own. I want to rule genuinely and compassionately, always putting the needs of the people above my own, including my own family. I wanted to be a trusted leader who could serve my king and my kingdom," I explained.

"Well said... " she admitted, "very well then.. let's continue our lesson." She was silent as she listened to me, and she looked at me.

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