Chapter 42

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As the first light of dawn filtered into her chamber, Philippa stirred from a fitful slumber, her head throbbing with the relentless reminder of her ill-fated dalliance with ale the previous night. She blinked her eyes open, and her gaze fell upon a sight that made her heart race.

There, on a chair beside her bed, sat the young king himself, Baldwin, his features softened in the embrace of sleep. A surge of emotions flooded her as she remembered the chaotic events of the night before, a whirlwind of intoxicated boldness and passion.

A flush of embarrassment tinged her cheeks, and she buried her face in her hands for a moment. Memories of her uninhibited actions, her playful yet hazy confession, and the surprising turn of events swirled in her mind. It was an overwhelming cocktail of emotions that threatened to overpower her, from mortification to a secret thrill.

With her headache intensifying, Philippa contemplated how to face the king, who had witnessed her uncharacteristic display of affection. As she stared at Baldwin's sleeping form, she realized that her world had shifted. Last night had been a pivotal moment, one she could neither deny nor change.

She took a deep breath and gathered her resolve. The course of their relationship had changed, and now she had to navigate these uncharted waters. As Philippa gingerly attempted to rise from her bed, she was determined not to wake the slumbering king. Her head still throbbed from the effects of last night's ale-induced escapade, and she longed for a few moments of solitude to collect her thoughts.

But fate had other plans, and as she made her first hesitant step, she felt a gentle but insistent tug on her arm. Startled, her eyes snapped to the source of the touch and met Baldwin's warm gaze. He was awake. His eyes, the color of the Ocean, held an unusual intensity.

Without a word, he pulled her toward him, and she found herself seated on his lap, nestled in the circle of his arms. Her heart raced, and a deep crimson blush painted her cheeks as she gazed into his eyes, those deep, endless pools that seemed to hold the secrets of the world. Philippa swallowed hard, her pulse quickening, and her eyes locked with his.

Baldwin's lips curved into a tender smile as he held her, acknowledging the unspoken connection. Philippa, still slightly flustered,her cheeks instantly flushed with surprise and a warm blush.

For a moment, the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in this intimate, suspended reality. Philippa's breath quickened, and her fingers traced an absent pattern on Baldwin's chest, the connection between them tangible and electric.

Philippa's POV :

Baldwin's eyes met mine, and his voice was a low, velvety murmur. "Leaving so soon, my queen?"

I stammered, my thoughts a whirlwind as my heart raced. "I... I thought you were still asleep."

A soft chuckle escaped his lips, the warmth in his eyes melting away any residual embarrassment. "You forget, I'm a king. I have to be vigilant, even in slumber."

His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close, and he gazed into my eyes with a sincerity. "You know, last night... I... it was just the ale talking but I-I... meant what I said..."

He pressed a gentle kiss against my neck, sending a delightful shiver down My spine. I couldn't help but let out a soft, involuntary sigh at the sensation.

Baldwin's warm breath tickled my ear as he whispered, "You don't need to explain. Last night was... well, it was quite a revelation." His voice was gentle, with a hint of playfulness.

In the intimate stillness of that moment, Philippa's heart raced, her fingers delicately caressing Baldwin's head down to his nape. His soft kisses on her neck sent tingles through her body that weakened her. Philippa Couldn't help but ask the question that had weighed on her heart.

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