Chapter 20.5

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"What?! " exclaimed Bohemond, as Henry stood up from his chair, stunned. "My king, please think about it.. it's a foolish mistake!" he yelled.

"It is not a foolish mistake... I will marry her one way or another because we have already consummated, and as a man, I must honour thy lady Chasity," he explains.

"Your highness," I said softly, puzzled, to King Baldwin.

"You scoundrel!!!" Bohemond attacks the King as he pulls on the King's robe, glaring viscously at Baldwin. "What did you say? leper?... even if you are the King, I will not allow the likes of you to touch my sister," he raged.

The nobles gasped in horror and began to panic, with Jerusalem's knight immediately drawing their sword as soon as Bohemond assailed their King, and the Antioch knight doing the same to protect their prince.

Baldwin calmly gripped Bohemond's hands in his robe, "let me go," he said calmly. As the knights prepared to attack, I grabbed Bohemond's arms, "let him go," I demanded.

"stay away from this! if you what is good for you " he warned me as he  pushes baldwin and grab my arm " I will not let you sully our name any longer! you come with me whether you like it or not! and I will make sure you will no longer defy me! " Bohemond said as he lost his temper

Baldwin firmly grabbed Bohemond's arm and said, "Bohemond, let her go! I will take responsibility for Lady Philippa... I know that you're not in favour but I will no longer allow you to threaten her."

"This is preposterous!" Bohemond exclaims with a vengeful glare, "do you think I'll allow it?"

"Then you leave me no choice," Baldwin said as the Knights began attacking each other and the Hall became more chaotic as other nobles attempted to flee the scene. "Please! put away your swords," William ordered.

"Enough!!! " I screamed as the knights stood motionless " I don't want to be the cause of any bloodshed! " I turned to Bohemond

" I want you Prince Bohemond to understand that I can't marry another man... as you all know I already share bed with his highness and if you won't allow it... I will be ruined... who would dare to touch a woman who spend a night with a leper that everyone is afraid of? I explained as everyone looked at me, surprised.

"I still can't believe it! the king will not do such!" exclaimed Bishop Henry. "This must be a conspiracy!" he exclaimed.

"I saw it in my two eyes, I went to see her ladyship yesterday morning to bear news that her brother will come and visit and there I saw them in bed," William stated. "As a matter of fact, Lord Aimery and the handmaid Emma, saw it too," he added.

"This is scandal!!" Henry exclaims as the nobles gasp in surprise. "Y-your Majesty, you promised not to marry and to protect your integrity for God's will, and now you did this heinous act... what will people say?" Henry asks, trying to reason with King Baldwin.

"There is nothing left to say or do but marry," William said, "and marriage there shall be."

"We can't do that! Lady Philippa is unsuitable for his highness," Henry objected.

"suitable or not, there is nothing we can do... do you have any plans to appease Prince Bohemond, after his sister has been defiled by our king, do you really want a war to break out in Antioch and Jerusalem? " he asked. "listen, if we do not allow it, Saladin will use this opportunity to strike, and we cannot allow that."

"his Eminence is right, it is a great move," I said as I looked at King Vassals. "Because of what happened between us, as Antioch's daughter, our kingdom will help strengthen Jerusalem because I will marry its king, and Jerusalem and Antioch will once again unite."

"Then we will announce the engagement on the 76th anniversary of the crusaders," William suggested. Henry sat down again in his chair, silently staring at us.

I could hear the crowd whispering in disbelief, and Bohemond remained silent as he looked at me with dissatisfaction and exited the courtroom; the meeting was then completed early that day. Henry was so enraged that he stormed out without saying anything.

As I looked at Baldwin, who was so silent as we walked to his bedroom chamber and aimery followed us quietly, I was perplexed by King's sudden proposal; it is unlikely that he will decide on impulse or even lie.

When we arrived, he asked Aimery, "Aimery... please leave us," as he quickly followed us and left us alone.

"My lady, you must be very confused now because of my sudden proposal, I am very deeply sorry my lady... it was not my intention to lie, and I also put you in a very difficult situation," he said as he held my hands.

"My king... I am not angry... I was just shocked and confused..." I explained. "I know you just wanted to help me, but I wasn't expecting you to ask for my hand in marriage."

"I have no choice but to lie, because your brother wants you to return to Antioch, and I don't have the power to protect you," he said as he looked down.

"I know you are in a difficult situation, my lady, exposing what we did not do to thy court, my unabashed decision will ruin the both of us. both of our families are not in a good relationship to begin with.... it will be difficult for the both of us," he said calmly as he let out a sigh, as I looked at him.

"Are you willing to accept a leper like me as your husband? you must not hasten and think carefully, your decision will affect your future to find a chance for a good marriage, I don't want you to make a hasty decision that you will come to regret someday," he said, "and if you decline the proposal, we can still come up with another possible answer."

"No.. that is true... you been really kind to me and help me in the greatest way that you can... and that alone makes me happy and I am very glad," I said with a smile when I noticed him struggle to look at me in the eyes.

" I know you see me as a shameless woman," I said, but his highness remained silent as he looked at me. " I- I don't want to return to Antioch, I have reasons that I can't tell you yet... I know it's selfish that I am using you for my selfish desire... but please continue to trust me," I explained as I clasped my hand and looked at him.

"your majesty, I know I am not fit to become your queen nor to stand beside you as equal, I never dreamed of it... but I will not regret my decision, marrying you might be the greatest decision that I ever made... I know that there is nothing special between us but my undying loyalty to you is unmatched your grace, I don't care if your a leper... "

"I just wanted to stay by your side, even if it means marrying you for the sole purpose of being at your service." I said

"My king..., I know I am aggressive and very unladylike...I am not perfect... I also have a lot of things that I need to learn before I can stand beside you... I only wanted to be at your service..Baldwin will you..." as I gently moved closer to him "will you marry me? will you take an unperfect lady like me as your wife?" I said looking straight to his wonderful blue eyes..

a brief silence crept in as we looked at each other, but to my surprise, he removed his masked and gently held my right hand " I hope you will not regret it " he softly said as he pressed his lips to my hands and looked at me " I told you before that I might can't get hold of myself and I might devour you... so don't blame me..." he said as I can feel his warm breath on my hands that makes me blush.

"I will gladly accept thy proposal," he said softly.

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