Chapter 17.2

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Bishop Henry and seven Royal Nobles from the House of Dukes have gathered for a secret meeting at the Church of Jerusalem.

"I can't believe the Leper King is actually dealing with the peasant issue," one of the nobles exclaimed. "On top of that, we can't keep any funds because of those pesky peasants," one of the nobles added.

"We must act... we cannot allow the King to use the funds that we have worked so hard for for those mongrels."

Bishop Henry was deep in thought as the seven Nobles agreed to persuade the king. "It's that vile woman's fault..." scoffed Bishop Henry.

"Are you referring to Lady Philippa of Antioch?"

"Yes.. she has some sway over our King, and we need to stop her," Henry said.

"Do you believe she is attempting to seduce that leper to her desire?"

"What else... for all we know, she wanted to be queen," Henry explained. "The crown has always supported us, and I don't want anyone to take that away from us," he added.

"Given her family background... I believe it's a plot so that when the leper king dies, her brother Prince Bohemond can ascend to the throne," Henry explained.

"We cannot allow that... once it occurs, we will be out of court... you all know that we are the reason why his father was sent to die in the hands of Muslims; we will ensure that he does not wield any power," he added.

"What are your plans, your Eminence?"

"Will put a stop to it," Bishop Henry scowled.


On that afternoon, we visited the village, where we were warmly welcomed by the locals. According to Baldwin, everything went according to plan, and more people are already recovering from the plague.

I'd been helping with small tasks like providing porridge to the villagers while King Baldwin and Aimery were with the masons, when someone softly tugged my skirt from behind, and I was delighted to see it was Bella smiling at me with a basket of flowers.

"Bella..." I said with a smile.

"My ladyship...glad to hear you're doing well," she says as she bows to greet me.

"yes... thanks to you... " I say as I kneel down to her level, "someone told me that you ran away to get help, and for that I owe you my life."

"It's all I can do.. you've been so nice to me and Mary," she explained.

"Oh, how is Mary?" I inquired.

"She's doing a lot better, my lady, she can sit and eat now," she said with a smile.

"That's great to hear," I said.

"I don't have any gold to offer," she mumbles.

"No, sweetie, it's fine... I don't need gold, but I would like to see you smile," I say.

She smiled brightly once again, and it was very heartwarming, then she pulled out a flower crown.

"Here... I made this for you," she said as she put the red flower crown on my head.

"It's lovely," I exclaimed.

"It's called an anemone... my mother used to love that flower, and it's perfect for you," she explained.

"Aww... thank you.... " I said.

Baldwin POV:

I could only watch her from a distance, as children gathered around her. She was a truly lovely person, and the most beautiful woman I had ever seen... I love watching her smile; she is truly an angel sent by God.

I approached her and the children casually, and she smiled as she said "your grace."

"It really suits you," I say as I tuck her hair behind her ears.

"T-Thank you, your grace " she reply, as her pale cheeks turn to red

"Your face... you've suddenly turned red... are you sick?" I inquired.

"n-no...I'm f-fine," she exclaimed, flustered.

I can't help but laugh because she is so adorable, and her expressions are so amusing.

"Your highness?" Bella asks, tugging King Baldwin's cape.

"Yes, my lady?" I asked, looking at Bella.

"Are you going to marry Lady Philippa?" she inquires innocently.

" w-what are you saying? o-of course not... " lady Philippa stuttered, turning bright red.

"Why not?" Bella inquired.

"w-well, he's the King, and I'm... just me," she stutters as she looks at me, flustered. "I think I need to go... it's really hot in here," she says as she sprints away from us.

"m-my lady wait... " I call her, but I can't help but smile as I say goodbye to Bella, "pardon me little lady, I will need to follow her."

Philippa POV:

This is so embarrassing, I thought to myself as I walked as fast as I could, that I didn't notice the pit hole in front of me until Baldwin stopped me from behind by wrapping his arm around my waist and stopping me from walking any further.

"Be careful... you almost fell," he gently warned.

"Oh.. t-thank you... " he gently let go of me as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry... if I walked away like that... I was just..." I tried to explain.

"It's okay.. no need to explain.. I truly understand.. I'm sure it was uncomfortable for you," he said.

"No, it wasn't.. it's just... well.." I was about to explain when Aimery approached us and informed us that the soap had just arrived.

There was an awkward silence for a brief moment, but he decided to break it: "would you like to see it?" he asked, extending his hand.

"Y-yes," I replied as I looked at him and reached for his hand.

It was a fun and productive afternoon because we were able to assist more villagers in need while also teaching them proper handwashing technique. Everything went smoothly as I looked at King Baldwin, who nodded in my direction.

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