Chapter 37

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Meanwhile Amidst the dimly lit interior of the old tavern, the air was heavy with the scent of ale and the raucous laughter of mercenaries and knights seeking solace from their battles and burdens. Roger, the king's loyal knight and a figure known for his unwavering determination on the battlefield, found himself seated at a worn wooden table in a corner, his posture slumped and his gaze distant.

With a heavy sigh, Roger signaled to the tavern keeper, an old friend, with a face weathered by time and experience, poured the ale with a practiced hand. He leaned in slightly, his voice tinged with a warm brogue, as he placed the frothy mug in front of Roger. "Ye look like a man carryin' a world o' burdens, lad," he said, his tone sympathetic.

Roger's gaze met the tavern owner's, and a fleeting hint of a wistful smile graced his lips. "Yes, Angus," he replied, his voice carrying a mixture of weariness and resignation. "It appears that the world has been turned upside down."

Angus leaned on the bar, his eyes steady as he regarded Roger. "Sometimes, a wee bit o' ale can help lift the spirits," he offered, his words a blend of comfort and wisdom.

Roger lifted the mug to his lips, taking a long sip of the ale. The bitterness of the drink seemed to mirror the bitterness of his heart, and he sighed softly. "Love can be a cruel master, Angus," he murmured, his gaze distant as if lost in his thoughts.

Angus nodded knowingly, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding that came from a lifetime of experiences. "Aye, lad. It can make ye feel like the strongest warrior one day, and the most broken the next."

Roger's grip tightened around the mug, the coolness of the ale seeping into his hands. "I thought I had found something true," he confessed, his voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability. "But it seems even the truest of bonds can be shattered by circumstance."

Angus offered a sympathetic pat on Roger's shoulder. "Life has its twists and turns, lad. Sometimes, we must find strength in the pieces left behind."

Roger's gaze remained fixed on the mug of ale before him as he leaned in slightly, his voice a mixture of contemplation and conflict. "Angus," he began, his tone heavy with the weight of his thoughts, "I find myself shattered between two loyalties that seem to pull me in opposite directions."

Angus, ever the attentive listener, leaned in as well, his rugged features displaying a mixture of curiosity and concern. "And what be these loyalties, lad?" he inquired

Roger's fingers traced the rim of the mug as he spoke, his words carrying a hint of turmoil. "On one hand, there's Baldwin. He's more than a friend to me; he's like a brother. We've stood side by side on the battlefield, faced danger together. I'd give my life to protect him."

Angus nodded, his eyes understanding as he listened to Roger's heartfelt confession.

"But then there's Lady Philippa," Roger continued, his voice growing softer. "A lady I once held in high regard." he continued, his voice carrying a mix of frustration and longing. "and admired her strength."

Angus's weathered face showed empathy as he listened, the lines etched on his face telling tales of his own life's struggles. "Ye're caught between yer loyalty to yer king and yer feelings for the lass. 'Tis a difficult place to be, lad."

Roger's brow furrowed as he spoke his deepest fear. "Part of me wants to believe that lady Philippa approached Baldwin with ill intentions. That perhaps she's seeking power or influence. But Part of me wants to believe that her intentions are pure, that she'd never betray Baldwin.

Angus regarded Roger with a thoughtful expression, his bushy brows furrowed in thought. "Loyalties can indeed be a tangled web, lad," he said, his voice carrying the wisdom of years spent navigating life's complexities. "But ye must also remember that matters of the heart are rarely as straightforward as they seem."

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