Chapter 65

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Meanwhile, Lady Agnes continued to be a formidable presence in the castle, her sharp wit and discerning eye keeping everyone on their toes. Her comments about the queen intrigued Ophelia, who couldn't help but feel curious about the woman who had captured Baldwin's heart.

As the days passed in Jerusalem's castle, Ophelia immersed herself in the bustling life of courtly affairs once again. She and Sibylla spent hours together, planning and strategizing for the future of the young prince, all the while reminiscing about their shared childhood memories.

One afternoon, despite Sibylla's reassurances, Ophelia couldn't shake off her worry for Baldwin. She found herself pacing back and forth, her thoughts consumed by visions of his safety. Sibylla, noticing her friend's distress, assured her that Baldwin was in good hands and that he would return following his triumph in the crusade, offering consoling words. "I trust in Baldwin's strength and leadership," Sibylla reassured, her voice calm and reassuring.

"But it's only natural to feel a pang of worry for our king amidst the chaos of war." Ophelia responds.

As they sat in the castle gardens, enjoying the warm sunlight filtering through the trees, Sibylla broached the subject of Baldwin's wife once more. "You'll meet her soon enough, Ophelia," she said with a reassuring smile. "And I have no doubt that she'll be charmed by you, just as everyone else is." Sibylla continued

Ophelia nodded, her heart heavy with anticipation and uncertainty. But deep down, she knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, she would face them with the unwavering support of her dear friend Sibylla and the rest of her newfound family in the castle of Jerusalem.

Then Bathilda the castle head governess, hurriedly went by to them announcing that his majesty, King Baldwin and Queen Philippa had returned.

Ophelia's eyes flickered with anticipation as she heard of the king and queen's arrival. She exchanged a swift look with Sibylla. "King Baldwin and Queen Philippa have returned," Sibylla said, her voice full of real excitement and relief.

Ophelia nodded, displaying genuine happiness and relief. As they dashed to the castle's entrance, ready to greet them.

Under the vast desert sky, Philippa, Baldwin, Abu, and William rode alongside the Leper Knights, their journey leading them back to Jerusalem. The rhythmic hoofbeats of their horses echoed across the golden sand.

In a moment of quietude amidst the journey, Baldwin found the opportunity to express his heartfelt gratitude to Philippa. Drawing his horse nearer to hers, he spoke with a sincerity

"Philippa," he began, his voice carrying the weight of his gratitude, "I heard you save Roger's life. For that, I am deeply thankful."

Philippa met his gaze with a gentle smile. "I was only doing what I believed to be right," she replied modestly.

his voice soft yet resolute, "I cannot find words enough to express my gratitude for what you did for Roger. Your skills saved his life, and with it, you saved a cherished part of my own."

She offered a soft smile, her features illuminated by the soft glow of the setting sun." No need to thank me, Baldwin... . I know how important Roger is to you." she replied humbly

Moved by her selflessness, Baldwin reached out, clasping Philippa's hand in his own. His touch conveyed a depth of emotion that words alone could not capture. " I am really blessed to have you as my wife "

Their horses kept up their steady pace, drawing them closer and closer to Jerusalem's walls. As the gate of Jerusalem opens, they can hear people cheering for their safe homecoming in that brief moment under the desert sky.

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