chapter 1

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if zhao daiyu took pride in something, it was not once having placed anything but first in a kahoot in her 17 years of life (not that she had been playing kahoot for that long, but still).

so when she saw the name 'kh1000le' appear above hers on the ranking, her expression dropped.

"what do you mean i'm not first?" she hissed at her friend jieun, who was sitting beside her.

the girl was leaning back on her chair, not even paying attention to the game.

jieun was a water shifter, a really pretty one too. her father was one of the big shots of the government, but to everyone's surprise, his daughter had no interest in taking over his position whatsoever.

she attended NSOE to please her parents and get a proper education, but as soon as she graduated, she wanted to persue her passion; photography.

daiyu often wondered what could possibly be going on in her friend's head to decline such a perfectly planned out life.

not that she didn't have a good future ahead of herself, but she wouldn't want to imagine what it would be like if she didn't.

"it's not that deep dai. don't go beating up the poor boy just because he was faster than you, it's not his fault you were slacking off."

seon-ok — another friend of theirs — whispered from behind them, but daiyu could only scoff.

"i was not slacking off. who even is that guy?"

"oh- he's friends with jeno, i think. chenyeol? no wait... something chinese; chenglei, maybe?"

daiyu and seon-ok turned to jieun. "oh, so now you're talking. seriously, she gets a boyfriend and thinks she doesn't have to talk to us anymore..."

"also, his name is chenle."

the chinese girl turned around in her seat, facing her more attentive friend.

"chenle? you mean zhong chenle?"

daiyu questioned, not-so-discretely glancing over to where the boy was sitting; in the second row by the window.

he had dark hair, which was somewhat messily hanging over his eyes as he was looking down at the phone in his hands.

the only part of his (rather handsome) face that was visible from where the girls were seated were his lips, which had morphed into a slightly confused smile.

"that's the one."

seon-ok grinned, leaning back a bit so she could properly sit on her chair, since their grumpy teacher had already given them a warning look.

not that daiyu had noticed though, as she was still busy staring at the boy that had apparently outsmarted her in the one thing she excelled at.

'dang, talk about dramatising.' she thought, finding her own behaviour ridiculous.

daiyu was very well aware of the fact that she had many strengths— she just liked being petty.

also, talking about her strengths...

paying attention in history class was not one of those.

"miss zhao, if you could do us the honour of not staring at mister zhong and put away your phone like the rest of your classmates- that would be delightful."

the teacher was now standing in front of her, glaring down at the student who, until now, had not noticed his presence.

"to be completely honest with you, professor, i don't think i can do you the honour."

a gasp was heard from a student in front of her, and she knew everyone was staring at her now, but daiyu couldn't break the eye contact she had with the irritating teacher.

it would just give him that feeling of superiority and power of which he thrived off, as his life seemed to be miserable in every aspect.

or at least that was what one would assume of a person that mean to teenagers.

daiyu would so end up at the principal's office because of this, but at that moment, she wanted to prove something.

and that was her problem.

once she set her mind on something, she didn't back down, no matter the consequences.

„and why is that, miss zhao?" the professor's jaw was clenched, and he was clearly containing himself from raising his voice.

i've been sitting in this class for way too long now, if i'm lucky...

and she was lucky.

the bell rang as soon as the man in front of her finished his question.

daiyu flashed him her most charming smile, before dashing out of the room with a „that's why."

she didn't even take any of her things with her. even if jieun was focusing a lot more on her boyfriend than her friends, she knew she'd always be there to back her up in these kind of situations.

daiyu did not look back once in her sprint to the cafeteria. the girl arrived at her usual table, hunched over with her hands on her knees, panting loudly.

"bitch fina- oh."


there's no way i only noticed now that i put jisung in the cover instead of chenle 🫣

i'm planning to make a series out of this, so the other day i was making the covers for all of them and ended up mixing up chenle and jisung's stories...

so i guess that we'll just stick with the jisung theme here🤷‍♀️

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