chapter 18

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chenle didn't know why he felt somewhat uneasy when seongchul had lifted up diayu to take her back to NSOE.

maybe it was because he felt like he wasn't being of any use to the group, or maybe he just wasn't sure if he trusted the boy yet.

but luckily, they made it there safely, and daiyu waa still breathing when they entered the infirmary.

since it was past their curfew, they did face some problems at the entrance gate, but yua dealed with them.

she seemed to know the two guards — 'taeil' and 'doyoung', as she called them — and though chenle didn't completely understand what she had told them, he was pretty sure it was some form of blackmailing.

anyways — once they had passed them, they immediately went to the nurse.


almost a two hours had passed, and the nurse was still in the treatment room with daiyu.

hyewon and seongchul had left around half an hour ago, since it really was getting late.

so now chenle was seated in the waiting room with yua — in complete silence.

the air was thick, and he had a bit of a feeling that the japanese girl wasn't too fond of him. that was probably because she was friends with daiyu, so she must have heard all kinds of bad things about him.


she definitely had something to say.

"do you like hyewon?"

of course it would be that.

"not anymore." was his response.

the girl in front of him hummed, glancing at the door to the treatment room, which still remained closed.

"then do you like daiyu?"

like who now?

"no, dear lord. i thought you would know how things are going with us."

no answer, just a slow nod, whose meaning chenle could not figure out.

then, they feel into silence again, though it was fortunately interrupted by the nurse opening the door to her treatment room.

the two students looked up in surprise, expecting expression on both of their faces.

smiling at their anticipation, the nurse gestured to the door.

"she's awake now, you can go see her."

"though i would recommend you to go one by one. daiyu's been put through a lot these past few hours, so it might be a bit too much to have both of you in there at the same time."

chenle nodded understandingly, nudging his head in yua's direction.

"you go first. you're a lot more important to her."

snorting at his words, the girl got up and thanked the nurse, before walking into daiyu's room and closing the door behind her.

the nurse gave a small bow to chenle — which he didn't understand; shouldn't it be the other way around? — and then disappeared into the room that he assumed to be her personal office.

yua seemed to be taking her sweet time in there, as by the time she came out of there again, it was almost midnight.

she gave chenle a small nod on the way out of the infirmary, and then he was left alone.

taking a few deep breath's to calm his nerves, he stepped into the room his chemistry project partner was currently resting in.

her reaction was immediate, though pretty hard to read.

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