chapter 73

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life went on for daiyu and chenle.

that day of their kiss, they didn't have to attend classes at all, and they were excused on wednesday morning too.

to daiyu, it made sense that chenle wouldn't have to attend training days either, but apparently the school thought that her state was too bad for that as well.

she wasn't complaining, because now she got to spend thursday morning having a late breakfast with chenle in his dorm, while everyone else was doing conditioning.

they decided to join their friends for luch in the cafeteria, just to tease them about the fact that they had been able to lay in bed and rest all morning (the fact that they had laid in that bed together was something thay didn't mention though).

"honestly guys, you've never really told us what happened on tuesday. we really only know that you fought with the people who attacked dai the other day, but that's all. like, give us some details now!"

seon-ok had a point.

the two chinese teens didn't quite tell anyone except their roommates about that night's occurences.

and really, it was mostly because they themselves barely knew anything. they had very little memories of the event.

"there's really not much to say..."

daiyu tried talking them out of it, but there was no way the their friends would believe that.

"oh come on, don't be like that."

renjun too seemed to be curious.

daiyu and chenle shared a quick glance, the boy looking a lot less stressed out than her.

and so he began to tell.

since she already knew the story (no shit), daiyu took a moment to observe her friends once again.

they were all attentively listening to the boy next to her. that was a gift of his — whenever he was speaking, everyone's attention immediately went to him. he had his way with words, which came in pretty handy when talking himself out of a situation too.

however, she noticed that there was someone who was not listening to chenle at all.

very unlike herself, ara was staring into space, obviously completely out of it.

her eyes were glassy, one could've thought that she had been crying, but then again there was no emotion in them at all. no saddness, no anger, or anything else that could've made her cry.

no, there was just pure emptyness.

'that's not good.'

ara had always been that noisy girl, sarcastic, but still really nice and bright. barely anything ever brought her mood down.

and sure, everyone had their bad days, but daiyu had lived through jo ara's bad days already.

that was certainly not how they looked.

'i'm definitely talking to her later.'

but she decided to forget it for now.

if daiyu where to ask ara if everything was alright (not a good thing to ask someone anyway, no one answers honestly) in front of everyone, she surely wouldn't get a real response.

chenle had finished his story now and remembered that there was food in front of him.

and the things was, that he claimed not to be able to hold chopsticks with the only hand useful to him at the moment.

now guess who had to help him.

(not that she minded though, to be fair. she was whipped fr.)

"you two are so cute~" hyewon cooed at the sight of daiyu feeding chenle a piece of chicken, as the two — just for that moment — had forgotten that there were people watching them.

chenle's grin widened at hearing that, challenging the girl in front of him with his eyes.

daiyu on the other hand wanted to hide under the table.

"are you dating?"

hyewon really was unhinged. though daiyu suspected that she knew exactly what she was doing.

and chenle was loving it.

in a playful manner, he threw his arm around daiyu's shoulders, pulling her to his side.

"we're not." he placed a small kiss to the top of her head, and the girl could swear her heart was going to combust. "but we should, don't you think so, hyewon?"

though the question was directed at hyewon, chenle didn't take his eyes off of daiyu fer even just a second.

he tried meeting her eyes, wanting to see a reaction to his words. he wanted to see what kind off effect he had on the girl.

but she skillfully (ehm...) avoided his gaze by keeping her eyes on the ground.

hyewon was delighted. "you totally should!"

daiyu's head rose, and instead of making eye contact with chenle, she locked gazes with her friend.

when the water shifter gave her an encouraging nod, daiyu realised that she had completely missed the point of their very weird conversation.

'chenle thinks we should date.'


we been thinking that for literal MONTHS tho

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