chapter 29

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daiyu had a love-hate relationship with the cafeteria.

she had made some of her best school memories there, at lunch with her friends, or on holidays, when the staff would rearrange the whole interiors of the hall to be able to hold event's like balls or just fancy dinners there.

it was the place where she had met haeun and ara, and where she had tasted the infamous jjajangmyeon she loved so much for the very first time.

but then again, the cafeteria was also the place where if you happened to be just a little bit too loud, you would have the attention of the whole school on you.

it was where she first fought with chenle, and the place where she poured pumpkin soup all over him.

or something she would also like to forget about, was when the whole cafeteria hear her say that she thought byun baekhyun, one of the higher combatants the government had, was hot.

the school's newspaper team had found it hilarious too, as there ended up being a whole article analysing the situation.

that was the most shameful moment of daiyu's first year, if not the whole time she had spend at NSOE.

but fortunately, that day seemed to becoma part of the more positive memories. or maybe somewhere in the neutral territory.

it started off pretty good, with yua, seon-ok, ara and herself on the table, eating the pasta the catering was offering that day. even hyewon was there, and although daiyu didn't interact with her a lot there, she was surprisingly calm.

maybe she was finally understanding that it wasn't all that deep.

haeun wasn't able to join them — a friend of hers had gotten into some trouble, and she had to help her out.

daiyu wondered if the friend she was talking about was one of hers too; ellie. after all, kang ellie was infamous for always getting into problems.

if there was girl that had visited the director's office more often than daiyu, it would probably be her.

ironically, that's where the two had first met, with daiyu on the way out of there, and ellie heading in.

after that, they happened to paired up for combat training more than once, which lead to them becoming acquaintances, and eventually considering eachother as friends too.

but that wasn't that important at the moment.

because out of the blue, and completely against everyone's expectations, their long lost friend, jieun appeared at the table.

"hey guys!"

her hand was laced with the school's hockey-team captain's, making her friends scrunch their noses in disgust.

"hey jieun, long time no see!" ara chimed, knowing exactly that she had just been over at the younger girl's dorm the day before to help her with some assignment.

jieun waved and sat down on the bench, next to hyewon, dragging jeno down to sit to her side.

the boy gave his girlfriend's friends a polite smile and small bow. overall, he made a pretty nervous impression, but anyone would be if they had a group of teenage girls eyeing them like that.

"i kinda missed eating with y'all, so it's fine for you if jeno is here too, right? and is it okay if some of his friends join us too?"

daiyu's eyes widened. 'jeno's friends... isn't that...?"

her suspicions were confirmed, as a (not so) foreign hand ruffled through her hair, messing up her hairdo in the meantime.

"hey pumpkin."

'curse that nickname.'

"fuck you! i spend half an hour on this in the morning!"

he ignored that and sat down right next to her, where yua had originally been sitting.

'did she really just move away to make space for him? fuck you too then, myoga!'

daiyu tried putting all of those feelings into the glare she was giving the girl.

to chenle's right, three other boys sat down too.

'thank god ara choose the longer table instead of our usual one today. that shit would've been crowded.

one of the boys was in her history class, na jaemin was his name. he was the only one daiyu recognised.

not that she had ever really talked to him, but with his electric blue hair and handsome features he wasn't that easy to overlook.

next to him sat yet another boy, just a little shorter than the rest of his friends. and goddamn, he was the true epitome of beauty.

he was absolutely fucking owning a two toned hairstyle, with a small part at the back bleached.

his pink plump lips and mesmerising fox-like eyes have got to be the most beautiful ones she had ever seen.

the third boy was one she had never seen before, but due to the way he interacted with chenle, she was pretty sure that it was jisung — his roommate.

the boy looked really tall next to renjun, and had light brown, fluffy hair that had some small braided strands in it.

'how cute.'

all that she knew about him, was that he was a very powerful fire shifter in yua's year.

talking of yua... daiyu was pretty sure that unlike herself, her younger friend knew very well who park jisung was.

or at least that's what the glare the two were sharing was telling her.

'something's wrong here...'

but she wasn't in the mood to investigate, so she focused on her food for the moment, trying to ignore the boy beside her, who was poking her cheek with his chopsticks.

"zhong chenle, will you fucking let me eat?!"

the boy only mumbled a dishonest apology, pouting while starting to eat his own plate of pasta.

while their rest of their group(s) engaged in conversations and were getting to know eachother, the two chinese second years sat there, silently eating and listening to their friends somewhat oversharing information about their life.

that was until chenle leaned over to daiyu, to whisper something so only she could hear.

"you know, about the other day, since i let you stay over — don't you think you kind of owe me something?"


my renjun stan is showing lol

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