chapter 30

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daiyu froze in her seat.

'owe him something? this is bad...'

could he not just do someone a favour without expecting anything in return? was he really that kind of person?

'and what would he expect me to do?'

and if daiyu thought the situation was bad before, his next words made it a hundred times worse.

"my dorm, thursday at eight."

'what the absolute hell...?'

she knew that zhong chenle wasn't the type of guy to do something like what everyone is probably thinking of now, but still, the request was really weird.

"and if i simply don't show up?"

"then i'll just come get you at your dorm."

'then i'm simply not going to open the door.'

but she didn't say that out loudly, it's not like he would've given up.

dismissing his comment, daiyu turned to the rest of the people sitting at the table.

"i made a friend today. in my physics class."

while chenle's (jeno's) friends didn't seem to fully understand why she felt the need to say that,
she now had her own friend's attention.

"yeah? loner-daiyu finally decided to talk to someone in that class?"

"oh, fuck you too ara. and he just transferred here this school year."


"yes yua; he."

that's pretty much how the conversation went, with the five boys sitting there, confused about what was happening.

at seeing daiyu's threatening look, her friends shut up and let the topic be for the moment.

she was completely sure that once they were to get a moment alone with her, she would be questioned to death.

to her surprise, chenle hadn't said anything either.

'wow. maybe he really did better himself.'

she turned around, wanting to see what he had been doing whole time she was talking to her friends.

only that she didn't expect to find him already looking at her, with a fat, teasing grin adorning his features.

'okay, maybe i got my hopes up too early.'


"i'm going out!"

closing the door of her dorm behind her, daiyu let out a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

it was 19:56 and time for her to head over to the boy's dorms, to pay off whatever debt her arch nemesis zhong thought she had.

'it's fine. you've been over at his dorm many times before. he's probably just going to ask you to clean the room or something anyway.'

in front of the boy's dorm, she gathered up all of her courage to knock.

it had taken a lot to even get to the dormitory-building's in the first place.

with her pepper spray clutched tightly in her hand, daiyu had walked through campus, the fear of facing a group of drunk fourth graders like she had with chenle only a few nights before not leaving her.

fortunately, she got there without any major issues and could now focus on the actual issue she would be facing.

shuffling sounds were heard from inside the room, before the door swung open, revealing someone who was most definitely not chenle.

"uhhh, hi?"

at least she now had the confirmation that the boy who sat at her table at lunch the other day actually was park jisung.

because there he stood, with all his height and a surprised face.

"hi. chenle's still showering, and i'm going out soon. but you can come in."

she nodded awkwardly and entered the room.

it looked the same as all the previous times she had been there. two beds, on opposite sides of the room. one with plain olive green bedding, and another one (which daiyu knew was chenle's) with black amd white striped bedding.

each bed had a small bedside table on the side, and funnily enough, the objects placed on them perfectly portrayed the two boy's differences.

jisung's table had a stack of books on it, and a small hamster-shaped night light. some glasses were placed on top of the books, and a bottle of water stood next to the hamster.

'this doesn't match his appearance very much.'

chenle had a simple lamp on his, as well as a picture frame.

it was a photo of him and his family. a young — maybe around kindergarten-age — chenle was sitting on the ground in what looked like his family
home's garden, and a extremely cute puppy was sitting on his lap.

a boy in his late teens — he had a brother? — was kneeling next to him, an arm slung around the younger's shoulders, and behind the two, four adults were standing. daiyu assumed that the younger looking pair were chenle's parents, while the elderly looking couple must have been his grandparents.

aside from those two objects, the table was empty.

by the small living room area each dorm had, the boys had planted two comfy, gray sofas, as well as a big tv and a beanbag.

the kitchen looked the same as her own.

and since at the end of the day it were two teenage boys living there, obviously the place wasn't necessarily what you would consider neat.

clothes were scattered on the ground and beds, some dirty dishes were randomly standing around on the kitchen counter, and if you paid attention, you could notice the empty bags of chips and beverage cans laying around.

daiyu grinned at the sight. 'this is why we usually film at mine'

it wasn't until she heard jisung's voice that she finished observing and overanalysing the room.

"i'm out. good luck with whatever you're here for, daiyu."

was what he said, giving her a small, almost apologetic smile, which she returned, nodding in a reassuring way, as if to say that she would be fine.

'he must know chenle enough to know how he acts with me. because i feel like i will need the luck.'

the sound of the shower eventually stopped, and daiyu's nerves grew, not knowing what she should expect.

but then the bathroom door opened, and she couldn't help but shriek.

"jesus, boy! put a fucking shirt on!"


what music do y'all listen to besides kpop?

bc i feel like most of us don't solely listen to that, and it's rly interesting to hear how different people's music tastes are outside of the kpop fandom lol.

also, my ski trip is over so i'm sad now :((

ADOMANIA || zhong chenleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora