chapter 49

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"see? i told you so."

the expression on haeun's face had not changed ever since daiyu had gotten back to hyewon's dorm, making her friends wonder if there even was some kind of way to wipe the smug grin off her face.

daiyu was beaming just as brightly though, the joy of not getting expelled making her forget all of her worries for a second.

to celebrate their friend getting to stay in the school, hywon had packed out the few cans of beers she kept in a mini fridge under her bed.

alcohol was banned from the school grounds, but no teacher would ever expect ahn hyewon of all people to hide some under her bed.

it was more of a yua thing to do.

being only sixteen, seon-ok and haeun had both tried to stop the youngest from drinking, but daiyu ended up passing her a can behind their backs anyway.

around nine pm, daiyu had downed half of her drink, ara was about to open her third can, and seon-ok was still firmly refusing to consume any alcohol on campus.

"i wonder how thong's doing after what happened today. he should be in the office now, right?"

ara, who was — even though the alcohol they were consuming really wasn't all that strong — slightly tipsy by now, giggled at yua's nickname for chenle.

after that time he had walked daiyu back to her dorm, the japanese girl had rarely ever called him by his real name again .

"he got sent to the office?"

hyewon was the one to give her an answer.

"mhm, mrs yang told him right there. didn't you hear?"

she shook her head. "i was too far away to catch anything of what they were saying."

but then it hit her.

"wait- did you say office? director's office?!"

her sudden raise of volume startled her friends, who merely gave confused nods at her question.

and so she acted in impulse.

"i'll be back, guys."

not giving any of them time to say anything more, she grabbed her shoes and walked straight out of the door, trying to put them on while walking(she looked like a clown).

"is she going where i think she is?" yua looked overly worried, and no one else dared to answer that.

'those two are gonna be the end of me.'


"you're early, mister zhong."

as he only recieved a bow, and no proper response from the chinese boy, lee soo-man kept talking.

"though i guess that's good. i wanted to talk to you without the presence of miss ahn anyways."

chenle took place on one of the two fancy stools in front of the director, still not saying anything.

"you see, i am quite convinced that you didn't do anything, even before we found the actual culript."

'did they expell kim seonwoo?'

"however, i think that the person we have under suspicion didn't act on his free will. we're still trying to figure out that part. but i think you and i both know that there must have been a blood shifter involved, which can only mean one thing — there is one of them under our roof. and that puts us all, but especially you and miss zhao daiyu in grave danger."

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