chapter 10

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lunch break was over and for the next four hours, daiyu's favourite activity on training days was scheduled; combat training.

it was her speciality — something the other students in school knew her for.

but there was one condition; she shouldn't get paired with earth shifters.

that was a childish weakness of hers. a good shifter should be able to go up against anyone and every element, but daiyu was way too lazy to make an extra effort and go up against someone who had an advantage over her, despite her love for combating.

but since nothing seemed to be going her way, she obviously got chosen to train with an earth shifter.

and not just any earth shifter, no, she had to work with mark lee.

mark lee was some kind of king in this school. he seemed humble enough and kind too, not to mention that he was hot as fuck.

being the heir of the nation's most powerful earth shifting family (just like hyewon was to water), it was only natural that he excelled in his field.

you would've thought that the trainers would put someone like him with a fire or air shifter, to give him a bit of a challange, but what did daiyu even expect.

she didn't even notice that she was staring at the fourth year until he started walking in her direction.

oh my fucking god he's coming shit man what do i do.

although she was panicking internally, daiyu managed to stay calm on the outside.

"hi, zhao daiyu, right?"

oh lord, he knows who i am.

around half a year ago, the chinese girl would have flipped. because, yes, she actually did use to have some kind of crush on mark lee. never in her life would she admit that though — the only one that knew was seon-ok. she had found the hidden wallpaper daiyu had set on her phone during that time, but had to swear not to tell anyone. especially not yua. that girl could not be trusted at all with these kind of things. except if it was something serious, daiyu never told her of her crushes or anything.

the danger wasn't necessarily that she would go around telling people, but more that she would tease you non-stop and everywhere, so loudly that the person in question would most definitely hear too.

"uh, yeah, that's me. you're mark lee."

no daiyu, what the actual fuck.

she felt like crying, embarrassed of herself. 'why didn't i ask for his name? or just go like, that's you, right?'

now he would probably think that she was one of those obsessed fan girlies of his, and daiyu was not in for that.


it ended up not being that bad though. just like she had suspected, mark lee was really nice. and funny too.

he was perfect, actually. the most complete guy she had ever met.

the kind of guy she would totally fall in love with. but daiyu was over that.

after properly engaging in a conversation with him and getting rid of the awkwardness, it was safe to say that she did not feel anything for the boy anymore.

what she couldn't deny, was that training with him was intense.

she was currently dodging the rocks and pieces of dry dirt — or whatever you would call that — that he was throwing in her direction at an alarming speed, while also trying to avoid the roots that were shooting out of the ground beneath her.

they had done the same to mark before, meaning that daiyu was still shooting smalls sparks of electricity at him, while he was trying not to get electrocuted.

daiyu had even gathered all of her motivation to suppress her laziness and send some currents through the ground too.

all it took was a split second of not paying attention for her to trip over a root and land on her back.

"ouch! man, what the hell! do these things have thorns?" she sat up on the ground, examining her arm, that had touched one of the plants mark had grown on the training field. talking of him; he was now standing beside her, still laughing at her for falling like that.

a hand was offered to her, and then the chinese girl was back on her feet.

mark glanced at the small cut wound, gently touching it with his fingers. "yeah, they do, sorry for that. it should heal by tomorrow though.

the boy showed her a smile that would've made any girl's heart melt like butter in the scorching hot sun. not daiyu's though. she would not be able to look at him that way after seeing his hair in the state that she had put it before when he wasn't able to dodge one of her attacks.

he had quickly ran off to the bathroom to fix it, but daiyu and some other people who were training next to them had managed to catch a glance at how ridiculous his already naturally messy hair had looked. it was standing up in all directions, emitting a bit of smoke, just like you'd see it in a cartoon.

"i think it's time for a quick break, don't you think so?"

daiyu nodded, and together they walked back to the gym — where they had been asked to place their belongings —, completely unaware of the pair of eyes who had been watching them for a while now, not-so silently judging the duo.


"chenle, seriously, were here to train. can you please focus a bit?"

but chenle wasn't really listening to his opponent, instead eyeing his dear friend joke around with that snake of his chemistry partner.

"look at them, jisung! that's disgusting, really! what do y'all see in that girl, if you can even call her that. i feel like witch is a more fitting term."

next to him, jisung was following his gaze, trying to figure out who his friend was talking about.

"oh, zhao daiyu? i don't know. she's pretty?" he guessed, not sure if chenle actually wanted an answer.


he squinted his eyes, as if to get a clearer view of the girl.

"i guess she somewhat is, but that's all there's to it. zero personality — at least not a good one. and her looks can't be what got mark being like that with her. and donghyuck too! i saw them talking this morning, and i swear i almost threw up that bagel i had for breakfast. maybe they all just went insane."

the younger boy's sweat dropped at his chinese friend's rant, questioning not mark and donghyuck's, but chenle's sanity.


btw; i'm not gonna be using any korean honorifics or other terms and stuff, as my knowledge on that only comes from kpop and kdramas, so i have no business using them if i don't properly know how to.

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