chapter 70

332 26 19

"middle schoolers indeed"

someone spoke from behind them, but the voice was way too deep to belong to a middle schooler.

'we're done for.'

chenle and daiyu turned around in shock, both knowing very well who they were about to face.

'so it was him after all.'

seonwoo hadn't bothered hiding his blood shifter identity that time, his red eyes glowing.

"you know, i had actually expected you to be dumb enough to come here alone."

"and i expected you to be on time."

he seemed to find daiyu's answer pretty funny, as a hearty chuckle left his mouth.

"oh dear, no. i was here long before the both of you. if you were going to bring a plus-one, you should've at least tried to hide him better. i wasn't going to come talk to you if he was just watching, of course. might as well just take the both of you down, if i get a chance."

so they were outsmarted (not really difficult considering how dumb they are lmao).

"what do we do now?"

daiyu tried not to let any of the panicked emotions she was feeling show in her voice.

next to her, her friend still had his eyes on seonwoo, as he absentmindedly shrugged his shoulders.

he was definitely thinking of a way to get them out of the situation (or at least that's what daiyu was hoping).

"honey, this isn't going to work."

she could feel her heart beating faster at seonwoo's sudden revelation.

'that's right. i forgot he would probably understand us.'

chenle on the other habd kept caln. nothing was really going to surprise him when it came to the boy in front of him anymore.

his mind however, was desperately trying to imagine every possible outcome of the situation daiyu and himself were currently in, and honestly, none of those outcomes seemed very attractive.

he was slowly starting to think that if they wanted to get out of there alive (or maybe just getting back to school without getting kidnapped by a criminal organisation), they would have to fight.

and fighting a blood shifter was not something they had been trained for.

chenle finally turned to daiyu, giving her a look.

and he prayed to god that the girl understood the look, because elsewise they were fucked. like, for real this time.

seonwoo was just starting his rant about how he had eavesdropped on their fights (something that chenle was suspecting since the start anyway) and luckily didn't notice chenle getting a little closer to him.

if daiyu hadn't gotten the meaning of his stare before, this was the moment where she should realise what he was about to do.

and luckily she did.

in a swift motion, chenle kicked seonwoo to the back of his knees, catching him of guard.

the boy fell down to the ground, and daiyu took the chance to place one foot on his face, the other one of her arms.

"chenle, i really don't know if this was the smartest thing to do." she didn't care if seonwoo could hear everything they were saying.

"but since we can't back out now anyway, i think i figured out the blood shifting. he has to see us to do anything. as long as we're out of his view, he can't use his powers on us."

daiyu had actually had that theory for a long time already, just that it only now happened to come in as useful.

that time when she got assaulted by the post office, she got her ability to move on her free will back everytime her attacker was unable to look at her.

"then what do we do?" chenle questioned. "do we just knock him out now?"

since daiyu only shrugged, he walked over to the side seonwoo wasn't facing and kicked him in the neck.

"is he out now?"

daiyu crouched down to seonwoo's level, trying to check if he was still awake. 

and to her shock, he opened his eyes.


she froze. and not because of the surprise she was feeling, but because the boy was starting to mess with the blood that was flowing through her body.


that was the only thing daiyu could think at the moment, since she wasn't able to say it out loud, seonwoo having taken complete control of her.

'chenle, for the love of god — do something!'

she screamed in her mind.

seonwoo had luckily not been able to move due to chenle still holding him down yet.

"oh damn."

the chinese boy finally understood what had happened and aimed for seonwoo's carotid artery again, that time with his elbow.

it worked, and daiyu plopped to the ground, snapping out of the daze.

"is he still breathing though? that could've killed him, right?"

chenle had honestly reached a point where he didn't care if the boy was still alive or not. but for daiyu's sake, he checked.

"he's alive."

"this was too easy." daiyu spoke as he helped her to her feet again.

and honestly, chenle agreed.

there was no way seonwoo had planned that sorry excuse of an attack on them without involving anyone from his people.


noticing chenle's empty stare, she turned to look in the same direction he was facing.


three men were standing by the end of the bridge, observing them.

one brunette and tall, another one blonde and short, and a last one with dyed red hair, and of average height. the three of them were wearing long, black coats.

daiyu had no idea who they were, and she felt like chenle didn't either.

"maybe they're just taking a walk around here?"

"yeah... mayb— oh fucking hell, they're running!"

he grabbed her wrist and started sprinting.

hand in hand, they left the bridge and kept running around the banks of the river.

there were no houses around there, it was all just meadows and trees.

daiyu dared a quick glance behind them, confirming her worst suspicions.

the three men were running just as fast as they were — if not faster. if they were to be just a little closer to them, they would've probably been able to reach them by stretching out their arms.

"chenle, these aren't blood shifters!"


not a proper finish lol but if i didn't cut it off here it would get too long

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