chapter 21

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so here they were, sitting on the floor of chenle's dorm, doing anything but what they were actually supposed to.

"what do you mean a dwarf?! wasn't it the astrology professor!"

they didn't seem to notice that their conversation topics had shifted from strictly chemistry related questions to mark lee's new suspected girlfriend and now they had somehow reached the subject of who their demon of a history professor could be hooking up with.

"it's not! i swear i saw them back when i was in town last week. disgusting, really."

daiyu cackled.

dwarfs were pretty rare to see these days, and the thought of their human history teacher having something going on with one was just too hilarious.

the two recovered from their laughing fit and stared at the notes in front if them in silence.

slowly, their heads turned towards each other.

"we should probably..."

"yeah, maybe we should."

about half an hour later, the re-make of their cursed third episode was up, causing a lot of ruckus in the comment section.

where did the previous one go? did they fight? make up? what happened with hyewon?

while the whole school seemed to be gossiping about them online, the two targeted teens were sitting on the floor, shoulder-to-shoulder, laughing at the ridiculous comments people were leaving on their vlog.

"they can't be serious."
"be so fucking for real, oh god."
"'chenle likes me anyway.' who the fuck are you even?"

to put it simply, they were the epitome of point and laugh.

daiyu was surprised to see how easy it actually was to talk to chenle.

it's not like she didn't know that he must be a cool person deep down, but she just never would've expected for him to show her that side.

she turned her head to the side to face him.

how did he always manage to look good whole not putting in any effort?

how could someone just sit there in a white t-shirt and sweats, hair slightly disheveled from running his hands through them, and sleepy eyes due to him just having woken up two hours ago, and somehow still look extremely hot?

"ugh, at least this is done now." he said, streching his arms.

the girl next to him nodded in agreement.

"i'm sure the whole drama will die down soon anyway. but remember we still got a lot of this ahead."

she didn't get an answer to that. chenle rotated his sitting position in a way that he was not facing the laptop, but daiyu instead.

"did the nurse tell you about the blood shifters?"

his question took daiyu by surprise.

"she did. pretty creepy stuff."

the boy nodded along. "yeah. don't go out alone anymore. especially not when it's dark."

that sounded pretty ridiculous to daiyu.

it isn't that serious.

"why shouldn't i? it was a one time thing, not like they are atill around here, right?"

chenle was baffled.

does she have a death wish? or maybe the nurse just didn't give her all of the details?

"are you trying to get yourself killed?"

now it was on her to be confused.

why is he acting like i have hitmen after me?

due to the lack af response, chenle kept talking.

"didn't you say the nurse told you? why are you still willing to wander around by yourself when you know that the bloodshifters are probably already plotting their next attack on you?!"

he really couldn't understand her.

less even when she tilted her head to the side, questions swirling in her eyes.

"why should they?"

chenle felt like he was about to go insane.

"what do you mean; why should they?! because they have been murdering around the country for the last months and apparently, they don't just assault aimlessly."

"god daiyu, i know you aren't that dense! these bastards probably want something from you, and either they get to you and get what they want, or you are just going to be in danger until the government figures this out."

daiyu's jaw dropped.

oh. the witch sure didn't mention anything like that.

"then... what am i going to do now?"

she started to grow really uncomfortable. not because of chenle or anything, but the fact that those sick people were after her made her feel sick to the stomach.

and as much as chenle would have liked to give her an answer to that, he couldn't. he really felt just as helpless as the girl.


kim was shaking in fear.

sure, he had not been part of the actual action, but his colleague — being the coward that he was — had ordered him to tell 'sir' about their failed mission.

the zhao girl had escaped them — or more like they had to flee from her.

technically, he shouldn't get any punishment, but kim really wasn't sure what went on in his boss's head sometimes.

he arrived at the man's office, and was about to knock on the door, when he heard a heart-wrenching cry from inside.

oh god. he must've gotten to hyunsik already then.

at least that meant less work for kim.


a bit of a shorter chapter :(

but like, beatbox english ver.? we excited?

personally idrk, im not rly a fan of english versions of kpop songs, but who knows. i might end up liking it anyway 🤷‍♀️

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