chapter 20

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it was almost 2 am when chenle finally got to his dorm.

and if you thought that he would be able to sleep... you thought wrong.

for nearly two hours he just laid there, staring at his ceiling and reflecting on the events of the previous day.

to make it worse, jisung — who knew nothing about what had happened — woke him up at 6 am to 'get ready for training'.

chenle was a deep sleeper, but once awake, it was almost impossible for him to fall asleep again.

so he just spend a cozy morning in the dorm, stuffing himself with unhealthy snacks that were definitely not meant for the morning, and watching tv.

for a certain girl on the other side of the school, in the infirmary, to be exact, the morning was looking a lot different.


"huh? why am i here?"

those were the first words to leave her mouth that thursday.

daiyu glanced around the room disorientated, unsure of her current location. she was dressed in a baby blue hospital gown, and had a white cast around her left arm

what the fuck happened yesterday?

but then, all of the memories from the previous night came crashing down on her. or at least she thought it was all of them.

"take one of these pills on the bedside table. it will help your headache."

the school-nurse was scurriedly hurried around then room, doing whatever a nurse must do.

daiyu did as told, then proceeded to lean against the headboard.

"did you sleep well?"

tilting herself up on a little cabinet, the witch was now looking at her with worry.

daiyu nodded quietly, still extremely worn out from the incident, despite sleeping for almost twelve hours.

"you lost a lot of blood, and fractured your left wrist. that's everything i found, but if you notice anything wrong please do tell me."

"you'll have to keep the cast on for four weeks. come here once every week during that period too. that way i can check if everything is healing alright and even more importantly; monitor your blood pressure."

what's wrong with my blood pressure?

she felt quite confused at the nurse's words, and then it dawned on her.

whatever the man who had attacked her was doing had something to do with her blood. but how was that even possible?

"i'm like, 97% sure that your attacker was what people call a 'blood shifter'. they don't actually shift blood like you shift electricity, but have these weird powers that work almost exactly the same."

oh damn. why am i always the one getting involved with this kind of stuff?

"i washed your clothes. you can leave whenever, so i thought you might prefer going out in those instead of that silly gown. i've told the director a million times already that we should get something more stylish, but he always ignores me."

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