chapter 55

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two days had passed since chenle's visit to the library's private section, and as much as he wanted to find that missing page, he had no idea how to do so.

it could be anywhere, really.

chances were big that it was nowhere near campus, or that it had been ripped out long before the book got into the private section anyway.

the most likely thing was that whoever had torn it out wanted it to get destroyed, and probably burned it or something.

because it surely wasn't anywhere inside the dark, closed-off, forbidden library room either.

however, it was pretty useful to have a friend who knew botany.

after talking to mark, chenle wasn't even sure if he needed to search for the lost page.

though he still couldn't figure out where he had seen the flower before, he was pretty close to confirming his theory, and what he had at the moment should probably be enough to convince daiyu too.

and there was yet another thing occupying his mind.

faster than anyone could notice, the fourth month since the start of their chemistry vlog project had started, and chenle knew that they had to film the last episode, soon.

and he was sure that daiyu knew that as well.

the question was just; how were they supposed do that if they hadn't spoken a single word to eachother for the past few weeks?

so there he stood now, by the kitchen counter — where his phone was lying.

he had his chat with daiyu open, but wasn't even touching the device.

'this is a bad idea. an awful one.'

daiyu would absolutely tell him to fuck off and never talk to her again if he were to reach out for her now.

but since he didn't exactly have a choice, he took the phone into his hands, typing a message.

hey, it's been a while'

'no, that's terrible.'

hi pumpkin! how are you?

'absolutely not.'

hey, i miss you.

'god, no. have i gone insane?'

laughing at that last sentence, he placed the phone back down, giving up.

'i should ask jisung for advice.'

but when chenle grabbed his phone once again to call the younger boy and took a glance at its display, he let out a loud screech.


hey, i miss you

daiyu's jaw dropped at the message that had interrupted her study session. (putting your phone on mute is an option, daiyu)

'is this a prank?'

she did not believe her eyes.

"seon-ok, can you please read this and tell me that i'm not going insane?"

slightly weirded out, seon-ok took a quick glance at her phone.

"damn, he's bold."

"is he trying to mess with me? maybe one of his friends took his phone."

her study partner just shrugged.

"won't know until you reply, i guess."

daiyu's eyes widened.

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