chapter 31

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chenle had just laughed the girl off, calmly walking over to his closet. he seemingly did not see the problem in daiyu seeing him half naked, as he took his sweet time getting properly dressed.

in the meantime, daiyu was slapping her face, trying to get rid of the blush that had spread over it.

'fucking asshole.'

NSOE students didn't do much aside from exercising and training, so it was a given that the boy had a somewhat good physique, but still it had startled her when he walked into the room in just a pair of sweats and slippers, his upper body completely at display.

"you can look now. why are you making such a big deal out of this anyway? never seen abs before?"

he sat down next to her on the bed, now wearing a white shirt, the towel still hanging around his neck.

"shut your trap. i know it's nothing special, even yua has them, but why walk around naked if a girl is in your dorm?"

"not like i knew you would be here already."

silence followed his words, as the two teens just stared at each other, neither feeling like breaking the quietness surrounding them.

but chenle seemed to have remembered something. he stood up and walked over to jisung's bedside table, opening the first drawer.

"we should do this before my hair dries."

'what is he even talking about?'

"that's right. why the hell did you even call me here at this hour?" she questioned, eager to get an answer to what had been keeping her awake for days.

he found what he had been searching for and turned back to daiyu, a small bag in hand.

"i need you to cut my hair."

now that was something she didn't count with.

"you want me to do what?"

"cut my hair? hyewon said you're good at it. i need a new haircut and don't have the time to walk to town, so why not take advantage of the situation?"

daiyu was baffeled to say the least. sure, in the past year, she had somewhat developed a hobby of cutting her friend's hair when they needed her to, but she was nowhere near professional.

the chance of her messing up and fucking up the boy's haircut was simply to big to take.

"absolutely not. choose something else. anything. but i'm not doing this."

he wasn't pleased with her answer, leaning closer to her and basically shoving the bag — which contained a set of scissors — into her face.

"come on~ i literally let you stay here for hours to help your ass out and you can't even return a favour?"

"if you keep talking i'll purposely mess it up." the girl countered, reluctantly agreeing.

it was his own fault if it didn't turn out the way he wanted it to.

"okay then... turn around. do you have a comb?"

"look inside the bag."

he obediently turned his back to her, while she scooted closer to where he was sitiing.

"what do you even want me to do?"

chenle seemed to be prepared for that question.

"remember what my hair looked like around the time of the wallet incident? that's what i want."

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