chapter 75

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after that conversation in the garden, the two of them — just like they had agreed on — stopped by the training field to say hi to their friends.

both daiyu and chenle had to dodge donghyuck's sweaty attempts to hug them before being able to talk to the others (a very challenging task, must i say).

but their break was short, and not much was said in the five minutes they spent there.

so they decided to sit down on the grass in the garden and spent some 'quality time', as daiyu had called it.

"your mole is really pretty." chenle blurted out all of a sudden, and she assumed that he was talking about the one right above her left eyebrow.

they had been sitting in silence for a couple of minutes already, his head in her lap at first, but he soon sat back up to rest it on her shoulder. and no one felt the need to say anything.

"how can moles be pretty?" she laughed, the compliment sounding pretty amusing to her.

chenle directed his gaze back to the front to the training field that they could barely even see from that distance. "mhh i don't know, it just suits you."

'this guy will be the cause of my death one day.'

"well then, your face shape is really nice."

now he was the one to chuckle. "okay, that's a really a weird compliment."

"mhm, i don't know. i guess your face shape suits you."

"i'm just going to ignore the fact that that doesn't make any sense at all."

acting insulted, daiyu pushed his head off her shoulder.

"just be glad i didn't compliment your toenails or something."

"ew, daiyu!"


"we're not in trouble, are we?"

the two of them were now standing in front of the director's office.

they weren't expecting more than a proper explanation on everything they had slept through the other night. but daiyu (what a surprise) was starting to have doubts.

"i'm sure we aren't. we haven't done anything wrong."

chenle lifted their still intertwined hands to his lips to place a small peck on the back of hers, before loosening his grip and knocking on the door.

they heard the director call them inside, and so they entered to sit down on the chairs in front of the desk.

"i feel like i've been seeing the two a little too often lately." was the first thing the man said, though there was definitely a hint of amusement in his voice.

daiyu and chenle chuckled awkwardly.

"since miss zhao here looks like she is going to pass out on us any minute, let me once again start off by saying that you are not going to face any punishment for what happened to you."

the girl lowered her head in shame, knowing that she had acted dramatic enough times in that office.

"that's great to hear." chenle was definitely holding back his laughter.

so resting his hands on his lap, the director cleared his throat.

"yes, so, i have a lot to tell you two about, and for it not to get too chaotic, i would prefer questions to be asked after i'm done explaining."

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