chapter 80

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"omg! wait, stop— it's cold!"

who would've thought that zhong chenle would be such a wimp when doing skincare?

well, in his defense, he wasn't doing it completely out of his free will.

chenle just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, and before he knew it, his newly pronounced girlfriend was applying a clay mask on his face.

'anything for her, i guess.'

he was sitting on the toilet lid in the bathroom of yua and daiyu's shared dorm, the latter standing between his legs to have better access to his face (don't lie daiyu, you're enjoying it).

his hand was gripping on to her waist in distress, squeezing it whenever it got too uncomfortable for him — just like a lady would during labour.

"oh come on, don't be dramatic. your skin will be glowing after this!"

a big grin on her face, the girl continued to smear the cold substance on his skin.

he nodded, lips pressed into a thin line.

"you know what i've been thinking about lately?"


still focused on her work, daiyu hummed in a questioning manner.

"i was wondering if i should stop calling you pumpkin."

daiyu lifted the brush off his face and pulled back to properly look at him.

to her, it was out of question for him to stop using the nickname, so she really didn't understand where he was coming from.

"huh? why?"

he wiggled his eyebrows.

"because there's so many other options! there's bae, babe, baby, snookums, sweet cheeks, cutie patoot-"

"i like pumpkin, thank you very much. and the first three literally sound the same!"

she should've known from the start that it was not going to be a serious conversation.

because if you thought that there was some kind of major shift in their relationship in the week that they had lived as an official couple that made them stop wanting to annoy the other in every way possible, you were wrong.

(i had a stroke both when reading and writing that sentence💀)

"no but seriously, i do have a good reason."

or maybe daiyu was wrong.

"and what would that be?"


"it's what i call my grandma."

"zhong chenle, i will smear this shit in your eyes!"

he hadn't even noticed that she had finished her job on his face already and fearfully scooted away as he saw her angrily swing the brush around.

"okay, okay, i'm sorry~"

he wrappedd his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him, careful not to touch her with his face.

"it's actually because it's a nickname i gave you back when i hated you. and now that i pretty much feel the opposite of that, you might not like me calling you that."

her gaze softened as she tried to smile — failing miserably because of the clay on her face that had already started to dry.

"chenle... i don't mind at all."

she always (ehm...) knew that he had a kind heart, but the gesture really was incredibly considerate.

"it's cute enough, and it somehow reminds me that even if we're dating and i'm madly in love with you know, you're still the same annoying dude who beat me at goddamn kahoot."

"and that's a good thing?"

his eyebrows rose in question and daiyu couldn't surpress a laugh.

"in a way, it is."

and there they stood, her arms around his neck and his chin resting on her stomach as he looked up to her.

"i could stay here forever, you know?"

"mhm. the future doesn't have to arrive just yet, if you ask me."

chenle couldn't have agreed more.

"yeah. mark is literally graduating this year. where'd all the time even go?"

"oh shit that's right. haeun as well, and ellie. i'll miss them."

pushing her away just the slightest bit, he stood up.

"i definitely will too."

they stared at eachother for just a short moment longer, before he spoke up again.

"not let's watch this shit off, my face is starting to itch."


do you know what you just read? well, this was the last chapter of adomania!

sudden, i know — especially with all the blood shifter shit being unresolved yet 👀

but i wanted to cut it off here. whatever else might happen to them and their relationship will most certainly be revealed in (some of) the next books :)

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