chapter 42

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since their previous attempt of filming the month-3-episode of their vlog had ended in a grocery trip and absolutely no work done, daiyu and chenle had decided that they should try again on a tuesday after classes.

once again, they had agreed to meet in her dorm, where she had already prepared some snacks, just so they wouldn't end up in the same situation as last time.

their notes were all ready from the last time, so the duo could get straight to filmling.

"...and atomic bonds are affected by their environment. The bond enthalpy of HCl is higher than all of the bonds in the hardest substance known to man – diamond. A single carbon carbon bond has a bond enthalpy of 347 kJ mol."

chenle explained with excessive hand-gestures, as always.

"While diamond is a fitting substance in an article about dating, it is not much use in this analogy. The strength of diamond comes from the fact that every single carbon atom is bonded to four neighbouring carbon atoms in a giant covalent lattice. With its highly ordered structure, it is more like an army than a couple."

and as always, daiyu didn't know much about what she was saying. it was a combination of what was written in the textbook, and what chenle had told her to say.

"There is another gem favoured by lovers – ruby. It is chemically similar to aluminium oxide, but some of the aluminium atoms are replaced by chromium ions, which give the stone its red colour."

chenle kept explaining, his knowledge on the topic evident.

'can people also tell how bad i am at this just by the way i talk?'

she sure hoped not.

"ruby you say? seonwoo has this really cool necklace with a ruby pendant. i think he said that it's some kind of family heirloom."

at this rate, one could think that daiyu had a talent for saying stupid things on camera.


chenle's gaze was stone-cold.

slightly intimidated by that, daiyu muttered. "y-yeah? my friend from physics, you met him the other day."

but to her surprise, he had already stood up and was walking towards the door.

when stepping out, he didn't turn to look at her even once.

flabbergasted, daiyu stared at the now closed door.

but the camera was still running, so she had to regain her composure, fast.

with a shaky voice, she glanced over to chenle's notes.

"This is a better choice to describe enduring love, with enough different elements to show how romantic couples can be incorporated into their wider communities."

if she didn't know much about what she talking about before, she really had no idea what she was saying now.

but for the sake of the vlog, she kept going.

"Like molecules, any relationship will experience turbulence, and if the atoms are shaken vigorously enough, any bond can be undone. In isolation, as in HCl, even a strong bond can easily snap, but when couples become embedded in a lattice of their friends and families, all their bonds can weather storms for longer."

'dear lord, publishing this will make us the talk of the school again.'

honestly, posting it was foolish, but they couldn't afford to film the whole thing again.

"that was it! see you guys next time."

she wrapped it up, though there was probably nobody who would actually watch until the end.

ADOMANIA || zhong chenleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora