chapter 58

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so despite purposely having made the boy uncomfortable (okay, that's a big word) at lunch that day, daiyu found herself lying on his bed, a red joy-con in hand.

"fuck youuuuu"

chenle yelled out as she managed to kick him off the stage once again.

"that's it — you officially suck!"

"i don't! i swear i always win when playing with the boys!"

daiyu snorted, not believing it at all.

"hey- don't laugh!"

a pillow hit the side of her face, not too harshly though.

but he didn't actually think that she wouldn't hit back, did he?

before it could turn into a full-on pillow fight though, chenle grabbed all the pillows and sat on them, making sure that daiyu wouldn't be able to take them away from him.

"aw, you're no fun."

"then go home."

she feigned a hurt expression, letting herself plop back on the bed.

of course she would definitely not be going home.

she hadn't even been there for an hour yet.

"up for another round?"

"against you? hell naw."

without getting up from his bed, daiyu reached over to where he was sitting on two pillows (and hugging a third one) next to the bed and grabbed the hem of his short sleeve.

"oh come on~"

swatting her hand off, he rose from his odd position and neatly placed the pillows back on the bed, now that he was sure that the girl wouldn't try to harm him with them anymore.

"why do you even have so many pillows?"

he simply shrugged, starting to select another game on the menu of his nintendo switch.

"let's just play mariokart. at least i have a chance there."

"hah! so you admit that you suck!"

his reaction was weaker than she would've expected — a small eyeroll and a soft nudge to her shoulder, and all of that with the hint of a smile on his face.

time flew by when they were together.

or maybe they just really didn't care about the fact that time was even passing. it was like its concept didn't matter or even really exist in chenle's dorm.

"we were fighting less than a week ago, you know?" daiyu dared to say.

"mhm, i know. you said you were still mad about the way i talked to you — are you really?"

to him, she really didn't act angry at all, so he wondered if maybe, she just said that to act tough.

that wasn't the case, but she did feel a bit conflicted.

"it doesn't make sense for us to go back to normal this fast. i want to— i really want to stay mad at you, but you make it hard for me, zhong chenle."

at first, he didn't say anything, and maybe his next statement wasn't very necessary either.

"you should really think of a cute nickname for me too. i call you pumpkin, so it's only fair, right? zhong chenle sounds weird."

it couldn't even be healthy anymore how fast her heart was beating at that.

'this is happening way too often around him now.'

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