chapter 67

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Monday mornings were awesome for Daiyu, as long as she could spent them in bed.

she's a girl of simple pleasures, really.

but studying at an elite high school doesn't really make it possible for her to sleep in on a monday.

so instead of staying in the warmth of her bed, daiyu started the week off by running around the training field, trying to electrocute seon-ok.

she really didn't know what demon had possessed her trainer to make them practice their ranged attacks — while running laps around the field.

"god curse that woman's whole bloodline! daiyu for the love of god, stop moving your arms that much, i need to land three hits still!"

seon-ok was finding the situation just as funny as daiyu was. (which means not at all, btw)

they really couldn't wait for the session to be over.

however, none of them would have thought that that moment would come much sooner than expected (but not under circumstances they would've liked).

because from a distance (probably the other training field) a loud scream was heard, followed by a voice yelling out.

a voice, that was more than familiar to both seon-ok and daiyu.

"you bitch! who do you think you are?!"

the two second-year girls shared concerned glances.

they would've probably started laughing, if it weren't for the fact that the scream sounded like more than just a small argument.

"that's yua." seon-ok stated the obvious.

almost as if on command, the pair of friends started walking towards the training field, where yua's voice had come from.

quite a lot of students had gathered there already, but seon-ok and daiyu managed to push through the crowd to get a good view of whatever there was to see.

and the sight was horrible, to say the least.

because in the middle of the circe of students, stood yua and her training partner.

said training partner was some random earth shifter in her third year, and daiyu didn't quite understand why they would pair her friend up with someone of the same element anyway.

but much more important than that girl was — of course — yua, who was kneeling on the ground. she was being held down by both of her arms, that were encircled by some weird type of plant growing out of the ground.

and it sure as hell weren't her own — daiyu would recognise yua's vines anywhere.

the gruesome part of the scene, was that the third year's plants seemed to have thorns. long, pointy thorns, that were digging into yua's skin.

blood was dripping down the japanese girl's arms, falling down to the soil ground beneath them.

now it weren't for the fact that her best friend was injured and obviously the priority at the moment, daiyu would've eaten that girl up alive.

she was fuming as she pushed some random boy who was blocking her way to the side and stormed over to where yua was kneeling. seon-ok was right behind her, and was also the one to cut away the weird plant around yua's arms with a pocket knife she always carried around.

the third year girl was simply standing a few metres away from them, crossing her arms and eyeing them with an arrogant expression.

"what are you staring at?"

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