chapter 78

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it was almost midnight, but daiyu and chenle were still in the common room.

everyone else had gone to bed (or at least back to their rooms) already, but those two had stayed in their comfy beanbag.

to be honest, daiyu wouldn't have minded getting back to her dorm too, but chenle just had to fall asleep on her lap of all places. it was rather risky standing up without waking up, so she just, well, didn't.

to kill time, she entertained herself by observing his resting face. his features were relaxed — an unusual sight to see.

but let's not lie, nobody can actually just stare at someone for two hours straight (no matter how handsome they are) and so daiyu eventually pulled out her phone and — after taking a few pictures of the sleeping boy on her lap — scrolled through pinterest.

she could feel chenle move a little in his sleep, and a small groan was heard.

"...what time is it?"

daiyu looked down to see his eyes only so slightly open, his voice still a bit raspy due to just waking up.

"midnight, i think." keeping her voice down to not startle him, she ran a hand through his dark brown locks.

'whaaa, so soft.'

he chuckled a little at that, taking a hold of her hand to it against his cheek.

"how long was i gone for?"

"i don't know. around two hours?"

supporting his back as he was now starting to sit up, daiyu shrugged.

"will you be fine going back to your dorm on your own though? you look like you'll fall asleep on the way, and i don't really feel like picking you up in the school garden tomorrow morning."

he stood up, his facial muscles stretching in a hearty yawn.

"i'll be alright, don't worry."

a small bump to her nose with his finger made daiyu back away a little, scrunching up her face.

"whatever you say. i'll head up now." she gestured towards the stairs behing her. "see you tomorrow, devil boy."

"what even...?"

chenle wore a very confused expression, not knowing where the new nickname was coming from.

"that's how i used to have your number saved in my phone the devil."

'but he better not ask what i changed it to.'

"okay... i'll get going now."

he ruffled her hair as a goodbye and walked off — backwards — waving his hand as he did so.

"i'll text you once i get there so you know i'm not sleeping somewhere in the housekeepers sunflower bed. sleep tight, pumpkin!"

and with that chenle was gone, leaving her shaking her head at his sudden change of mood.

'he was so sleepy just a minute ago.'

but daiyu brushed it off, making her way up to her shared dorm.

obviously, yua wasn't sleeping just yet, but she really only greeted her before going back to whatever she was doing on her phone.

daiyu quickly did a shortened version of her night routine, wanting to go to sleep as fast as possible.

once she was under the covers, she noticed the notification on her phone from a couple of seconds ago.

snuggle nugget

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