chapter 39

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"hey, can you go grab some cereal? i'm busy with the veggies."

daiyu called out to chenle, while picking up some cucumbers.

he got the signal and quickly hurried over to the cereal aisle.

meanwhile, daiyu kept slithering around, putting things she thought they would need into the cart.

she had grabbed milk, apple juice for yua, some bread, some pasta for when they wanted to eat at home, cheese, and a whole lot of fruits. she even bought some meat to make something fancy on the weekend.

because usually, the two girls would be too lazy to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

chenle finally came back, two boxes of cereal in hand.

"oh? that's great! how did you know which ones we like?"

"lucky guess."

chenle shrugged, and though it was quite hard to believe, daiyu decided not to further push it.

it's not like there would've been any other logical explanation.

on the other hand, chenle knew exactly that it wasn't a lucky guess.

by the door of their dorm, the chinese girl and her friend had a pile of trash bags that someone should have probably taken care of a long time ago.

and next to the bags, was a small pile of cereal boxes.

he brushed her hands off the shopping cart, claiming that he would push it from there.

"shouldn't you get rice? jisung's mom always keeps us supplied with that, and it's good for when you don't have anything else at home. if you don't know what to cook, rice and whatever leftovers will do."

daiyu was quite surprised that he knew that much about something like that.

and though his wise saying was nothing she hadn't heard before, it was greatly appreciated.

"you cook?"

he really made it sound as if he was in charge of things concerning food at their dorm.


she deadpanned at his dry answer.

"then jisung does?"

"not really."

'is he being serious?'

"then how would you even know anything about this?"

"i mean, we do cook, but we're not good at it."

daiyu shook her head in disbelief.

she really didn't understand him sometimes.

"huh? seriously? that's the bread you're buying?"

with a judging stare, he held the packet of sandwich bread she had placed in the shopping cart high up in the air. daiyu felt slightly flustered, but didn't want it to show. so she kept her head high and held his gaze with a challenging expression.

"yeah, what about it?"

"there's literally so many healthier alternatives. just look over there; don't these fresh, nutritious loaves of homemade bread look delicious? heck, pumpkin, they even cost less!"

now he actually had a point.

"but i like this one."

big lie. big, fat lie.

she didn't like it; it was dry, full of unnecessary additives and tasted like toilet paper. but on her route through the store, she would usually pass by it before getting to the bakery-area, and then don't feel like putting it back.

would she ever admit that to zhong chenle?

silly you if you thought so.

he must've suspected something of the sort though, since he swiftly grabbed the pack.

"i'll put it back. choose something from the bakery — i'll pay for it if i have to. you're basically an athlete, you should know a thing or two about nutrition."

and off he was, leaving her behind with a dumbfounded face.

at the thought of him caring for her, her insides felt all warm and giddy.

it was nice knowing that someone was looking after her.

so when chenle got back, daiyu had placed not one, but two loaves of the "good" bread in their shopping cart.

she wasn't going to make him pay for it, of course. the smile on his face when he saw that she did indeed listen to what he had said was enough. it made her feel like she won the lottery.

the two made another halt at the spice-aisle, where daiyu spend a lot of time trying to remember what they might need.

just as she got back and placed the selected spices in the cart, a foreign voice called out to them.

well, not to her, just chenle.

and what surprised her a lot more, was that the person was speaking in mandarin.


confused, the duo turned around to find a man standing there.

he was about chenle's height, though he seemed to be a bit older than them. with the all-black training outfit he was wearing, one would've almost categorised him as intimidating, if it wasn't for his face.

his hair was dyed soft-pink, but the colour had already started to fade out. and his eyes just held so much warmth and genuine happiness in them that it was impossible to find him scary.

daiyu also didn't miss how he was looking at chenle with an almost fatherly gaze.

the boy next to her seemed to know who it was, as his face too, lit up.

"kun! what are you doing here?"


introducing; my wayv bias!

also; about yesterday's trip, it was great. really, everything was just perfect; the weather, the park, the mood, just everything. i love rollercoasters and all that stuff, so of course i'm gonna like a trip to an amusement park lol.

and setting aside the fact that i have a major crush on my friend, there really couldn't have been a better group to go with. i've known two of them since i was 5/6, and my friend's boyfriend since middle school, which was when the two started dating.

we were all classmates back then, but for the gymnasium (something like a university-preparatory-school) we got split up, and i was actually the only one that chose a different school, while they went to the same one, just in different classes. i remember being so scared of our little group breaking apart back then, but here we are now lmao.

what i'm saying is that i had a great time and am very grateful to have my friends in my life — though i hope none of them ever gets to read this, because of obvious reasons.

so if you actually read this random insight into my life; ily and hope you enjoyed the chapter💚

ps: i expected a lot of things from golden hour, but not for it to be a gordon ramsay disstrack😭 still loved it tho

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