chapter 23

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just like she had done the past few days, daiyu was sitting on her bed, laptop in front of her, watching netflix.

as always, yua was out god-nows-where, doing god knows-what, so she had the dorm to herself. and that was not a positive thing.

since daiyu wouldn't consider herself an introvert, being alone for hours on hours got boring.

and to her luck, she had enough friends to bother in a moment like that.

she reached for her phone to call hyewon.

usually, she wasn't one to be doing anything on wednesday evenings, so surely she would pick up.

well, it looked like that particular wednesday was an exception, as daiyu's phone simply kept ringing, showing no sign of the other line picking up.


daiyu's interest was piqued.

she knew hyewon very well, and if there was one thing that differentiated her from yua, it was her reliability.

ahn hyewon would always pick up the phone, no matter where she was and what she was doing.

so the situation was real strange to daiyu.

and sometimes there's thing you just can't help. in daiyu's case, it was her nosy character.

with a flick of her wrist, the laptop in front of her was closed, and her feet were buried in her fluffy plush slippers.

if hyewon didn't answer, she would just take it upon herself to find her.

after all, everyone knows what happened the last time someone wasn't picking up and her friends waited for too long.

closing the door behind her, daiyu stepped out of her dorm, and continued strolling down the hallways in direction of hyewon's dorm.

while doing so, she checked the turns to the other hallways too, in case hyewon was somewhere there.

not that daiyu could imagine any situation where she would find her friend there.

that was until she reached the fourth turn of those, and peaked her head into what she thought was an empty hallway.

only to immediately pull it back and press her back agains the wall.

'what the actual fuck.'

those were the only words daiyu could make out at the moment. of course she didn't say them out loud though.

she almost comically rubbed her eyes, glancing around the corner again, as if to check if she wasn't hallucinating.

but to daiyu's discomfort, it was still there.

the girl massaged her temples, trying to calm herself down.

'at least i know why she wasn't answering.'

but at what cost?

she wasn't sure if seeing her friend make out with choi seongchul in a hallway was worth that.

'why would they do that in a school hallway anyway?!'

daiyu's head was full of questions, one more uncomfortable that the other.

but the worst one of them all was probably; 'wasn't hyewon supposed to like chenle?'

as much as daiyu disliked the boy, heartbreak wasn't a feeling that she would wish to anybody. she was very well aware of now much chenle liked her friend, and with all the trouble it had brought him in the last few months, one would at least think that she would let him down slowly.

having seen enough, she scurried back to her room.

her head was a mess. daiyu didn't know what to do, who to tell, or how act.

should she tell chenle? or yua? or talk to hyewon about it first?

as she opened the door to her shared dormitory, her roommate was sitting on the kitchen counter, cross-legged, slurping some noodles she ordered for takeout.

daiyu deadpanned at the sight.

"we have chairs and a table for a reason, you know?"

"this is more comfortable." yua answered with a full mouth.

god, to think this girl went through etiquette training as a child.

"there's some for you in the bag too." she informed her, nudging her head at the plastic bag next to her, before shifting her attention back to the tv.

daiyu swiftly grabbed the bag and a pair of chopsticks and sat down at the litte table in the middle of the room, just like any normal person would.

on the inside, she was feeling extremely conflicted.

a part of her was dying to tell yua about what she had seen, to ask her if she knew something.

it was hard to keep quiet about something like that, but she had to. for hyewon.

she might not want anyone knowing, and daiyu was not ready to take responsibility for something like that.

but despite all that, there were still things the chinese girl didn't understand.

it just didn't make sense.

everything was implying that ahn hyewon was crushing on chenle. in fact, she had daiyu completely convinced.

but now she was making out with another guy?

what if they weren't even dating? maybe he's just a hook-up? a distraction?

but what would hyewon want to get distracted from?

there were simply too many open questions for daiyu to take any action at the moment, so she settled for temporarily forgetting about the scene.

it's really none of my business anyway. that's for chenle and hyewon to sort out. and maybe the seongchul dude too.

that was the thought that crossed daiyu's mind as she was laying down in bed, after having watched some more tv with her japanese roomie and finished her dinner.

curiosity was a weakness of hers, so she was better off using the situation to overcome that inevitable urge to stick her nose into other people's affairs.


how we feeling abt this?

no, srsly though; i'm always open for any feedback and constructive criticism

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